ums-mlx [2015-11-25 v1.4]

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Re: ums-mlx [2015-11-25 v1.4]

Post by taconaut »

@mediamelt I'm done with a first version you can try. It can be downloaded from here (code); just place the jar in the plugins folder.

Some notes:
- NFOs for movies and series are supported (tested with the ones you've attached).
- Only the NFOs having the same name as the video file (with *.nfo extension) will be used; tvshow.nfo is not being used.
- For now thumbnails are being downloaded from the web if a link is included in the NFO. I might change this, but currently there is no mechanism in place to pass a link to an existing file in the file system und just use it.
- Your NFOs got some bad encoding for special characters e.g. Umlauts; this has to be fixed/configured on the kodi side.

Give it a go and tell me what's missing :)
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Re: ums-mlx [2015-11-25 v1.4]

Post by mediamelt »



You done it much faster then expected, i am impressed ;)

Unless there is an major issue, i will do extense tests and case studies with this over the next days, so don't worry if you aren't hear from me for a while, i am only still busy collecting experiences, problems and recommendations for you then. So i can give you compressed and detailed reply on this plugin to avoid discussing/working on every single minor issues/recommendation seperately ;)


To be honest, i was already expecting that my second post maybe would be neccessary, while writing the first post ;) But i wanted to to hear about it in general first, not only to avoid enormous masses of text at first post, but also to clarifiy if there are some basic obstacles i was unable to foresee, that turns further discussion obsoloete at all. So your comment was very handy to me ;)

You guys: my very best regards to you ;)
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Re: ums-mlx [2015-11-25 v1.4]

Post by taconaut »

@mediamelt cool :) I've made some changes to support existing files for thumbnails (*-poster.jpg and *-thumb.jpg) as you've suggested. As this required changes in the mlx base code you'll have to install the full SANPSHOT build though. Additionally, the description in the about panel is now more descriptive. Btw if you want to contribute and localize the messages, you could translate the messages.
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Re: ums-mlx [2015-11-25 v1.4]

Post by taconaut »

@mediamelt Is the Kodie-NFO plugin working as expected? Can it be included as is in the next release?
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Re: ums-mlx [2015-11-25 v1.4]

Post by mediamelt »


Please excuse my long inactivity. I was extremly blocked in free time by my work due to too much staff illnesses badly timed along all the additional business that was to do during the last few weeks. I wasen't able to have a look at the new version at all.

Sorry for that, but every year someone has to be the douchebag that is catching sh... all :o

The first version was almost functioning as expected, i skip reporting the details and issues here and prefer to do over with new version. Starting tomorrow and reporting in the next few days. And of course i take a look on the messages, if i able to translate them.

Hearing soon, thank you, a happy new year and my best regards ;)
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Re: ums-mlx [2015-11-25 v1.4]

Post by Sech »

Is there away to reset the play count of a video?
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Re: ums-mlx [2015-11-25 v1.4]

Post by taconaut »

@Sech When selecting the video in the library view you can increase/decrease by hitting CTRL+/CTRL-
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Re: ums-mlx [2015-11-25 v1.4]

Post by Sech »

Thank you so much.
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Re: ums-mlx [2015-11-25 v1.4]

Post by delbocavista »

I think the MLX version of UMS offers a TON of added functionality. I am struggling with a couple of items though as discussed here @ viewtopic.php?f=6&t=12860 that I would love some help on. Trying my luck here as this seems to be the most relevant thread to the MLX project. I've also sent a message to taconaut but unsure if they are still active.

Does anyone here happen to have the original JAR version of the KodiNfoImportPlugin that taconaut references? If not, anyone willing to walk me through building (compiling?) my own version off of the linked GIT code?

taconaut wrote: Thu Dec 03, 2015 2:37 am @mediamelt I'm done with a first version you can try. It can be downloaded from here (code); just place the jar in the plugins folder.

Some notes:
- NFOs for movies and series are supported (tested with the ones you've attached).
- Only the NFOs having the same name as the video file (with *.nfo extension) will be used; tvshow.nfo is not being used.
- For now thumbnails are being downloaded from the web if a link is included in the NFO. I might change this, but currently there is no mechanism in place to pass a link to an existing file in the file system und just use it.
- Your NFOs got some bad encoding for special characters e.g. Umlauts; this has to be fixed/configured on the kodi side.

Give it a go and tell me what's missing :)
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Joined: Wed Oct 03, 2018 8:14 am

Re: ums-mlx [2015-11-25 v1.4]

Post by delbocavista »

OK, let me preface my post by acknowledging that this is taconaut's code - not mine. I certainly don't intend on claiming any ownership nor do I want to misrepresent the project in any way. I don't believe taconaut is still active... but if you are and you (or admins) prefer that I edit my post, please let me know. Secondly, let me add that I have no real idea what I'm doing. The below is a result of exploration, trial, and error.

With that out of the way ... I *think* I have successfully re-compiled taconaut's KodiNfoImportPlugin and UMS-MLX from his original git source.

The Rebuild - (feel free to scroll down to 'The Result' if you have no interest in the steps I took to rebuild)

My primary objective was to track down the KodiNfoImportPlugin. It's not included in the last official UMS-MLX release (v1.4 on top of UMS v5.3.2) but the source code does exist in a couple of git commits made by taconaut from Dec2015. My first attempt was to focus solely on the plugin by following the dev walkthrough here ... es/plugins. I hit a dead end once I realized that I didn't know how to properly recreate the gradle build file. From there, I tried my hand at re-building the entire UMS-MLX package. A prerequisite to the plugin dev is to setup a build environment as detailed here ... r/ I replicated this but cloned taconaut's UMS-MLX git source rather than official UMS.

Initially, the UMS-MLX build failed in a couple of places. I wasn't overly concerned since I was only interested in KodiNfoImportPlugin.jar. I was able to work around enough issues to reach successful Plugin/JAR compile. I grabbed the jar, popped it into a working UMS instance, and ditched the rest from the build attempt. Womp womp, didn't work, java errors from the plugin in the log. I didn't troubleshoot these once I re-read previous comments from taconaut saying that there core UMS changes he made to accomodate the plugin. I assumed that it was broken since I didn't have the latest core changes.

I then learned that I could checkout an earlier git commit. So I proceeded to roll back to 2015-12-02 where taconaut first introduced KodiNfoImportPlugin. I stepped through similar build steps and landed myself a working version of KodiNfoImportPlugin.jar. As far as I know, there aren't any dependencies here. I briefly tested using UMS-MLX v1.4 and found it to be operational using the .NFOs taconaut used as reference points.

It bugged me knowing that there enhancements made beyond the 2015-12-02 release. So I returned to the master commit from 2015-12-04 and attempted the build again. If I recall correctly, I needed to bypass surefire test failures (?) with "mvn package -Dmaven.test.skip=true", hardcode a download URL for jwbroek.cuelib, and manually correct a missing instance of avisynth.exe. I personally can't call the result a total success since I'm weary of the surefire test failures BUT the build did complete resulting in UMS-MLX 1.5 snapshot installs for x86, x64, and without JRE. I gave without JRE a whirl but that failed to open after install. I tried the full x64 install and was thrilled to see everything working as intended!

The Result
  • KodiNfoImportPlugin (v1) - this is the initial KodiNfoImportPlugin released by taconaut on 2015-12-02. It should be version independent meaning that you should be able to drop it into a working install of UMS-MLX v1.4, the most recent "official" release.
  • UMS-MLX v1.5 with KodiNfoImportPlugin (v2) - this is a test release of UMS-MLX which includes the KodiNfoImportPlugin released on 2015-12-04. As labeled in the application title bar, this release is "FOR TESTING ONLY, POSSIBLY UNSTABLE". I can't vouch for all the changes between v1.4 and v1.5 but this test build includes core UMS code changes neccessary for use with the 2015-12-04 v2 release of KodiNfoImportPlugin. To further emphasize the "testing only / possibly unstable" disclaimer, UMS-MLX v1.5 looks to be built on top of UMS v6.5.4. This in itself is mildly confusing to me since UMS Core v6.5.4 was released at some point in 2017, 2 years after taconaut originally put UMS-MLX v1.5 together.
  • Example .NFOs - these are the reference .NFOs that work with KodiNfoImportPlugin.
UMS-MLX Library to NFO Mappings - Depending if <movie> or <series> is imported, some tags or properties might be left blank (ie, EpisodeNumber for movies)

Code: Select all

	- Name : <title>
	- Original Name : <originaltitle>
	- Year : <year>
	- Sort Name : <sorttitle>
	- Director : <director>
	- IMDB ID : <id>
	- Homepage : not mapped
	- Trailer : <trailer>
	- TMDb ID : not mapped
	- Rating : <rating>
	- # Voters : <votes>
	- Certification Reason : not mapped
	- Certification : <mpaa>
	- Tag Line : <tagline>
	- Budget : not mapped
	- Overview : <plot>
	- Revenue : not mapped 
	? Active : ???
	- Genres : <genre>
	- Actor : <actor><name>
	x EpisodeNumber : n/a
	x FirstAired : n/a
	x Network : n/a
	x SeasonNumber : n/a
	x SeriesName : n/a
	x Writer : n/a

	- Name : <title>
	x Original Name : n/a
	- Year : <year>
	x Sort Name : n/a
	- Director : <director>
	x IMDB ID : n/a
	- Homepage : not mapped
	x Trailer : n/a
	- Rating : <rating>
	- # Voters : <votes>
	- Certification Reason : not mapped
	- Certification : <mpaa>
	x Tag Line : n/a
	- Budget : not mapped
	- Overview : <plot>
	- Revenue : not mapped
	? Active : ???
	x Genres : n/a
	- Actor : <actor><name>
	- EpisodeNumber : <episode>
	- FirstAired : <premiered>
	- Network : <studio>
	- SeasonNumber : <season>
	- SeriesName : <showtitle>
	- Writer : <credits>
Screenshots - demonstrates an what the example NFO looks like with an AutoFolder grouped by Actor
KodiNfoImportPlugin.png (20.69 KiB) Viewed 17600 times
ums-mlx-1.png (311.78 KiB) Viewed 17600 times
ums-mlx-4.png (136.67 KiB) Viewed 17600 times
delbocavista wrote: Thu Dec 06, 2018 9:26 am I think the MLX version of UMS offers a TON of added functionality. I am struggling with a couple of items though as discussed here @ ... =6&t=12860 that I would love some help on. Trying my luck here as this seems to be the most relevant thread to the MLX project. I've also sent a message to taconaut but unsure if they are still active.

Does anyone here happen to have the original JAR version of the KodiNfoImportPlugin that taconaut references? If not, anyone willing to walk me through building (compiling?) my own version off of the linked GIT code?

taconaut wrote: Thu Dec 03, 2015 2:37 am @mediamelt I'm done with a first version you can try. It can be downloaded from here (code); just place the jar in the plugins folder.

Some notes:
- NFOs for movies and series are supported (tested with the ones you've attached).
- Only the NFOs having the same name as the video file (with *.nfo extension) will be used; tvshow.nfo is not being used.
- For now thumbnails are being downloaded from the web if a link is included in the NFO. I might change this, but currently there is no mechanism in place to pass a link to an existing file in the file system und just use it.
- Your NFOs got some bad encoding for special characters e.g. Umlauts; this has to be fixed/configured on the kodi side.

Give it a go and tell me what's missing :)
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