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Re: OS X: Add a Renderers folder to /Application Support/UMS/

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 10:46 am
by endymion
After all that I've discovered another showstopper problem...

UMS 5.1.4 breaks the ability for me to play mp4 files directly either with a device conf or my custom conf in application bundle renderers folder.

I have all transcoding / streaming turned off and the files are labelled as mp4 files by the player. Attempting to play either shows a progress spinner on the player or just sits on black and doesn't start.

Reverting back to 5.1.3 and my original custom conf works again, but the device conf does not. It no longer recognizes them as mp4 and labels them as mpeg instead. Trying to play them returns the corrupted file error on the player.

So, I'm basically back to where I started and can't upgrade to 5.1.4.

Re: OS X: Add a Renderers folder to /Application Support/UMS/

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 11:18 am
by infidel
endymion wrote:Reverting back to 5.1.3 and my original custom conf works again, but the device conf does not.
There's something else going on, device confs should work in all UMS 5.0.0+ versions.

Re: OS X: Add a Renderers folder to /Application Support/UMS/

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 12:34 pm
by endymion
The device conf "works" it just no longer allows me to play mp4 files. mkv files still play.

Maybe this stems from another problem I've been working around. Previously when I was using PS3MS, I could use:

Skip transcoding for the following extensions: mkv,mp4

... and the player would always play those file extensions directly. However with UMS, I have Transcode Settings set the same but it always tries to transcode the mp4 files via MEncoder and if I disable that it tries FFmpeg. It doesn't seem to heed the Skip transcoding option at all, so I had been disabling all the Transcoding engines which then allowed me to playback the mp4 files directly. Don't know if there something else I'm missing, but it just doesn't work as it did with PS3MS. I prefer to not transcode/stream since playing directly allows me to see current and total playback time.

When I try to play directly with 5.1.4, the log set to All doesn't really show anything other than it stops itself just after starting.

Code: Select all

07-03 20:48:56  Started playing The.Video.File.mp4 on your Blu-ray Disc Player
07-03 20:49:01  Stopped playing The.Video.File.mp4 on your Blu-ray Disc Player

My custom Conf.

Code: Select all

# Profile for Sony Blu-ray Disc Players.
# See DefaultRenderer.conf for descriptions of all the available options.

RendererName = Sony BDP-S790
RendererIcon = /Users/kdean/Pictures/UMS-BDP-S790.png

# ============================================================================
# This renderer has sent the following string/s:
# User-Agent: UPnP/1.0
# X-AV-Client-Info: av=5.0; cn="Sony Corporation"; mn="Sony Blu-ray BDP-S790"; mv="2.0";
# X-AV-Physical-Unit-Info: pa="Blu-ray Disc Player";
# ---
# User-Agent: UPnP/1.0 DLNADOC/1.50
# X-AV-Client-Info: av=5.0; cn="Sony Corporation"; mn="Blu-ray Disc Player"; mv="2.0";
# X-AV-Physical-Unit-Info: pa="Blu-ray Disc Player";
# ============================================================================

UserAgentAdditionalHeader = X-AV-Client-Info
UserAgentAdditionalHeaderSearch = (cn="Sony Corporation"; mn="Blu-ray Disc Player")
UpnpDetailsSearch = Sony , Blu-ray Disc Player

LoadingPriority = 1
DLNALocalizationRequired = true
TranscodeVideo = MPEGTS-MPEG2-AC3
DefaultVBVBufSize = true
WrapDTSIntoPCM = false
ForceJPGThumbnails = true
ChunkedTransfer = true
TextWrap = width:52 indent:12 height:2 whitespace:32 dots:0
SendDateMetadata = false
MediaInfo = true

# Specs below taken from
# then fine-tuned by lengthy trial and error since so much of that advertised spec is inaccurate.
# US models don't support video/divx mime type but European and Canadian models do.
# Subtitles in mkv files are only displayed if mime type is video/divx.
# Vob subtitles are not supported.
# See also for more DLNA-related info on these players.

######### ALL MODELS:

# Supported video formats:
Supported = f:mpegps|mpegts   v:mpeg1|mpeg2     a:ac3|dts|lpcm|mpa|mp3                    m:video/mpeg 
Supported = f:mpegts          v:h264|vc1        a:ac3|dts|dtshd|truehd|aac|lpcm|mpa|mp3   m:video/vnd.dlna.mpeg-tts

# Supported audio formats:
Supported = f:wma    n:2   m:audio/mpeg
Supported = f:mp3    n:2   m:audio/mpeg
Supported = f:lpcm   n:2   m:audio/L16   s:48000
Supported = f:wav    n:2   m:audio/wav   s:48000   

# Supported image formats:
Supported = f:jpg   m:image/jpeg
Supported = f:jpeg   m:image/jpeg
Supported = f:png   m:image/png
Supported = f:gif   m:image/gif

######### Comment/uncomment the sections below according to your region/model-year #########

######### 2012 US MODELS (Sony BDP-Sx90) ONLY:
Supported = f:mp4|m4v        v:mp4|h264        a:ac3|dts|dtshd|truehd|aac|lpcm|mpa|mp3   m:video/mp4
Supported = f:wmv            v:wmv|vc1         a:wma                                     m:video/mp4
Supported = f:avi            v:mp4             a:ac3|lpcm|mpa|mp3                        m:video/mp4
Supported = f:mkv            v:mp4|h264        a:ac3|dts|dtshd|truehd|aac|lpcm|mpa|mp3   m:video/x-matroska

Re: OS X: Add a Renderers folder to /Application Support/UMS/

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 1:13 pm
by endymion
...and in the interest of mentioning bugs, those green help tooltips that appear in the interface... well they often appear overtop the element to be clicked on and actual prevent me from being able to click the button since they're in the way.

Re: OS X: Add a Renderers folder to /Application Support/UMS/

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2015 8:51 am
by endymion
I still cannot play mp4 files with 5.2.1 either so 5.1,4 and up continue to not be useable anymore. Can play mkvs just not mp4 files anymore.

Re: OS X: Add a Renderers folder to /Application Support/UMS/

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2015 9:09 am
by endymion
So I partially fixed my mp4 playback problem. I was reading this thread ... issues/598 and disabled HTTP Engine V2 and I was able to play mp4 files again like I could in 5.1.3 and earlier. I was able to do this with a regular renderer conf and a device conf as we initially discussed.

However, I still need to disable all the Video File Transcoding Engines to stream since the "Skip transcoding for the following extensions) field doesn't work at all, so someone really needs to look into that to make sure an extension there only streams and not transcodes.

Re: OS X: Add a Renderers folder to /Application Support/UMS/

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2015 11:35 am
by Nadahar
endymion wrote: Maybe this stems from another problem I've been working around. Previously when I was using PS3MS, I could use:

Skip transcoding for the following extensions: mkv,mp4
I don't know anything about the streaming/chunked transfer problems, but I think I can shed some light on whether UMS transcodes or streams. As long as mediainfo is true, it's not decided by extensions anymore. With mediainfo = true you have to configure the "supported" lines instead:

Code: Select all

Supported = f:mp4|m4v        v:mp4|h264        a:ac3|dts|dtshd|truehd|aac|lpcm|mpa|mp3   m:video/mp4
Supported = f:wmv            v:wmv|vc1         a:wma                                     m:video/mp4
Supported = f:avi            v:mp4             a:ac3|lpcm|mpa|mp3                        m:video/mp4
Supported = f:mkv            v:mp4|h264        a:ac3|dts|dtshd|truehd|aac|lpcm|mpa|mp3   m:video/x-matroska
The letter codes mean the following:
f: format, v: video codec, a: audio codec, m:mime type to send to your renderer
This means that the only line you have that concerns MP4 is the first line. For that line to match the container must be MP4, the video codec must be mp4 or h264 and the audio codec must be one of those listed behind a:

On top of that, if there are any subtitles that's not supported by the renderer, it will be transcoded. If all these things match, it will be streamed and sent to your renderer with mimetype "video/mp4".

I downloaded and installed MediaInfo as a standalone application, which makes it very easy to check the parameters for the file in question (container, codecs, subtitles). Just be aware that the latest version has malware in the installer, so I chose the one before that.

Re: OS X: Add a Renderers folder to /Application Support/UMS/

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2015 1:56 pm
by endymion
That's too bad, since the Skip extensions used to work with PS3MS and MediaInfo = true.

My mp4 and mkvs should meet the specs unless the codec text need to match h264 and ac3 exactly even though AVC and AC-3 are the same thing. I don't really use transcoding anyway so disabling it all is not as big a deal, I just thought there was a bug there with the skipping... although I guess their may still be an issue with the media info match not skipping.

Code: Select all

Format : MPEG-4
Format profile : Base Media
Codec ID : isom

Format : AVC
Codec ID : avc1

Format : AC-3
Codec ID : ac-3

Re: OS X: Add a Renderers folder to /Application Support/UMS/

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2015 4:17 pm
by Nadahar
Those should match yes. If you turn on trace logging (on the logging tab) and try to play one, you can see in log what happens when UMS is trying to figure out if it should stream or transcode the file. Maybe that can give you an idea of what's going wrong. The trace log show the evaluation of each "support" line and other considerations.

Re: OS X: Add a Renderers folder to /Application Support/UMS/

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2015 1:17 am
by endymion
Hmmm, when I try to play the transcoded versions now they don't play any video. I can hear the audio.

I think the problem exists before the video even plays since with the transcoders disabled, the player identifies the video as MP4, but with the transcoders enabled they are identified as MPEG and have [MENCODER] added. So even before the videos are played, there are identified differently.

When I play the videos even with trace log is says nothing more than start stop.

Anyway I did find that if the mp4 has an AAC track it's detected as mp4, but if it's an AC3 track it's not. Probably just quirks of the player, so I'll just disable the transcoders