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Nicely running UMS service on Windows 7 x64 with Java 8 x64

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2016 7:45 am
by holistico
Just in case anyone's interested, I've just started running UMS 6.5.1 on Windows 7 x64 and Java 8 x64, as a service and it's running nicely.

I'm using the 64-bit wrapper compiled by Simon Krenger at which uses the code from Tanuki.

I found the easiest thing to do was backup the UMS win32\service directory then copy the 3 files below from the downloaded wrapper archive to win32\service: wrapper.dll, wrapper.exe, wrapper.jar ...
... then use UMS GUI to select install as server, and start the service. Simple as that.
(The .exe comes from the bin archive dir and the others from the lib dir - don't use the conf file).
It's actually the UMS 6.5.1 for Windows Java 7 that I'm running, I'll update it to the Java 8 one shortly.

I have a minor issue with transcoding .m4a files but that's for another post.

My client is a HUMAX HDR-1000S pvr.