Version 3.0.0-a5 is released

Announcements about Universal Media Server
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Version 3.0.0-a5 is released

Post by SubJunk »


This fixes a startup problem affecting some users



Changes since 3.0.0-a4:
  • General:
    • Fixed a startup problem affecting some users

Upgrade Notes:

For all versions:
Some configuration options for 3.x are not compatible with the 2.x releases, and a lot of them were renamed between 3.0.0-a1 and 3.0.0-a2, so it may be wise to make a backup of your configuration before installing.
It is recommended (but usually not necessary) to delete your UMS.conf file prior to installing this version. Windows users can choose the "clean install" option while installing instead.
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Re: Version 3.0.0-a5 is released

Post by Raker13 »

Mencoder is not transcoding the 5.1 track. It only picks up the stereo track. 3.0.0-a3 transcoded the 5.1 on my OPPO 93. FFpeg picks up the 5.1 when transcoding fine. Bug?
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Re: Version 3.0.0-a5 is released

Post by SubJunk »

Raker13, if it's an HBO show like Game of Thrones for example, it may not be a bug. The behaviour shouldn't have changed between a3 and a5 though so if it has changed with the same video file then feel free to post about it in our support section :)
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Re: Version 3.0.0-a5 is released

Post by Wolfgan »

Seems to work OK now (for some reason a4 wanted the JDK installed as well and not just the JRE it seems)
Thanks for the quick fix! Wolf
-- UMS serving PS3, WDTV, Samsung H6400 + J5500 and Kalemsoft renderers! (no video transcoding but remuxing accepted :D )
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Error occure:Re: Version 3.0.0-a5 is released

Post by jontemyrra »

Please help!
I can't start and use the program.
The two last versions of this wonderful program gives me an error under during the "log-in".
Here is the debug-sentences that maybe can expalin the error.

Code: Select all

DEBUG 2013-09-03 14:07:48.177 [main] Launching: win32/mplayer.exe
ERROR 2013-09-03 14:08:48.200 [main] A serious error occurred during PMS init
java.lang.IllegalThreadStateException: process has not exited
	at java.lang.ProcessImpl.exitValue(Unknown Source) ~[na:1.7.0_25]
	at net.pms.PMS.checkProcessExistence( [ums.jar:3.0.0-a5]
	at net.pms.PMS.init( [ums.jar:3.0.0-a5]
	at net.pms.PMS.createInstance( [ums.jar:3.0.0-a5]
	at net.pms.PMS.main( [ums.jar:3.0.0-a5]
I assume it has something to do with Java? Please help...
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Re: Version 3.0.0-a5 is released

Post by jontemyrra »

Sorry, no spam here, but the debug have some more information. It absolutely has something to so with Java, right? But I seems I have the latest Java installed? hmm..

Code: Select all

09-03 14:29:52  Please wait while we check the MPlayer font cache, this can take a minute or so.
09-03 14:29:57  Finished checking the MPlayer font cache.
09-03 14:29:57  Found VLC version 2.0.8 at: C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe
09-03 14:29:57  Searching for plugins in C:\Program Files (x86)\Universal Media Server\plugins
09-03 14:29:58  Found plugin: com.chocolatey.pmsencoder.Plugin
09-03 14:29:58  Exception in thread "main" java.lang.VerifyError: class com.chocolatey.pmsencoder.PMSEncoder overrides final method launchTranscode.(Ljava/lang/String;Lnet/pms/dlna/DLNAResource;Lnet/pms/dlna/DLNAMediaInfo;Lnet/pms/io/OutputParams;)Lnet/pms/io/ProcessWrapper;
09-03 14:29:58  	at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)
09-03 14:29:58  	at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(Unknown Source)
09-03 14:29:58  	at Source)
09-03 14:29:58  	at Source)
09-03 14:29:58  	at$100(Unknown Source)
09-03 14:29:58  	at$ Source)
09-03 14:29:58  	at$ Source)
09-03 14:29:58  	at Method)
09-03 14:29:58  	at Source)
09-03 14:29:58  	at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
09-03 14:29:58  	at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
09-03 14:29:58  	at java.lang.Class.getDeclaredConstructors0(Native Method)
09-03 14:29:58  	at java.lang.Class.privateGetDeclaredConstructors(Unknown Source)
09-03 14:29:58  	at java.lang.Class.getConstructor0(Unknown Source)
09-03 14:29:58  	at java.lang.Class.newInstance(Unknown Source)
09-03 14:29:58  	at net.pms.external.ExternalFactory.instantiateEarlyListeners(
09-03 14:29:58  	at net.pms.external.ExternalFactory.lookup(
09-03 14:29:58  	at net.pms.PMS.init(
09-03 14:29:58  	at net.pms.PMS.createInstance(
09-03 14:29:58  	at net.pms.PMS.main(
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Re: Version 3.0.0-a5 is released

Post by ExSport »

It is an announcement thread not support thread :idea:
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Re: Version 3.0.0-a5 is released

Post by SubJunk »

Can you please try this version, jontemyrra?
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Re: Version 3.0.0-a5 is released

Post by jontemyrr »

I worked perfect!!! :) I´m curious about what Went wrong..?
(Sorry I used the wrong thread for this!)
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Re: Version 3.0.0-a5 is released

Post by R9deLima »

Just a quick question. Is play resume in full effect yet?
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