Our second poll!

Announcements about Universal Media Server

Which is the highest version of Java Runtime Environment on your computer?

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Our second poll!

Post by SubJunk »

We had a great response for our first poll and as a result we have a more clear direction of where to take the program, so here is another one!

Currently we compile UMS with Java 6, which is compatible with Java 7 too, and we are trying to decide whether to update that to Java 7 yet or whether to wait a bit longer for people to update.
Help us decide!
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Re: Our second poll!

Post by squadjot »

The polls are great!, keep them coming ^^
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Re: Our second poll!

Post by kuroukage »

I say update to 7 since there's a serious problem with 6 and 7 below u13. Supposedly everything is patched now.
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Re: Our second poll!

Post by SubJunk »

Version 6 is still being updated along with version 7 and in terms of security the latest versions of the two releases are identical, so I don't know what the serious problem could be. Can you elaborate?
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Re: Our second poll!

Post by kuroukage »

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Re: Our second poll!

Post by SubJunk »

Maybe I read it wrong but that article seems to say that it's best to stick with Java 6 because all the recent security problems have been only with version 7. It says:

"this makes Java 7 more dangerous because all the recent flaws seem to be with features added in version 7. Even without security rules, Java 6 still seems to be safer."

That fits with my previous understanding and I don't see anything about Java 6 being insecure.
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Re: Our second poll!

Post by kuroukage »

There was an update for Java 6 too. This was released yesterday. Also, as of Feb. 19th (they'll release one last version of 6) and they'll no longer be supporting it after that (at least from what I've been reading it looks that way). The security flaws affected both versions of Java.

"In addition, Update 13 for Java 7 and Update 39 for Java 6 also include six other security fixes as well as other bug-corrections, Horowitz added."

If you want more detailed information just Google: "Java security flaws" and you'll find a bunch of news articles. :P

To me it just makes sense to go with the latest version since 6 is soon to be unsupported and they've fixed everything in v7u13.
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Re: Our second poll!

Post by SubJunk »

I have been reading a lot about it lately and everything I've read has indicated:
1) There have been more security flaws lately for Java 7 than Java 6, and
2) Whenever a security flaw is found that matches both versions, both versions are patched.
Therefore, in the last few months, Java 6 has shown a better track record for security than Java 7, as your own article indicates.

I was interested in whether you had some unique sources with information I hadn't seen but it seems not.
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Re: Our second poll!

Post by Tyestor »

I just think it's a shame that UMS isn't coded in C++. In any case, there's no need to wait for people to change to JRE7, once they find out the latest version of UMS doesn't work with JRE6 they'll update anyway. It's not like it takes very long to download/install new versions.
Last edited by Tyestor on Wed Feb 06, 2013 1:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Our second poll!

Post by Uzerrr »

Questions is: which version is better for you to compile builds and which version is better for users?
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