Java update causing problems

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Java update causing problems

Post by SubJunk »

Some users have reported that they have recently started getting errors/crashes while browsing or caching folders with many images.
This bug has been caused by the latest update to the Java Runtime Environment (7u21). At the moment it seems like that Java release created a bug with the way Java manages memory.
To fix it, you can uninstall 7u21 and install the second-to-last release which was 7u17.

Windows users can download 7u17 here.
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Re: Java update causing problems

Post by S7eele »

Appreciate the info!
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Re: Java update causing problems

Post by RavenFire »

Just an FYI - I've started getting server not detected with my PS3 since 2.6.2...
I'm running Java 7u13.

Just away on business, but will try to post a log next week when I'm back
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Re: Java update causing problems

Post by SubJunk »

The connection issue is fixed in 2.6.3, thanks for reporting it :)
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