Filter by UUID "unwanted" config file not working?

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Filter by UUID "unwanted" config file not working?

Post by dooder183 »

Recently got UMS, love it so far however I want to filter media access based on UUID. I saw the guide created here viewtopic.php?f=9&t=8558 downloaded/pasted that config file into the correct folder and noticed all it did was work on some devices (listed as unwanted) but not on any of my samsung TV's on my home network. All it did was remove the Thumbnails. But they are all listed as their correct models and each of them still show all of my content.

What I am trying to setup is the ability for only one of my samsung tv's (mine) to show content.

EDIT: okay I can kind of see whats happening here. All the tv's can "see" the content when the "unwanted.conf" is installed. However it breaks them so you cannot play videos on it (can still load up pictures and see all the thumbnails just fine). Which still defeats the purpose (for me) because what I want is total privacy, no being able to look in the folders..etc. (multi person household, using this to hold adult content).
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Re: Filter by UUID "unwanted" config file not working?

Post by squadjot »


It's been a while since i messed with that thing.
What happens if you define a invalid 'folders' path in the unwanted.conf?

Code: Select all


Code: Select all

By default have UMS load an empty folder.. and in your UUID config, define the folders that you want.

1. did you remove all the configs in "renderers" folder, only leaving the unwanted.conf there?
2. Create a conf based on UUID for the device you actually want to be able to see content

maybe something here can be used? - i havent tried it

Maybe try with asterisk *

Code: Select all

folder_names_ignored =*
folders_ignored =*
And you might have to "re set" those in the config for the renderer you want to display content

Let me know if any of this worked, and i'll adjust the files/description
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Re: Filter by UUID "unwanted" config file not working?

Post by dooder183 »

I think I have made up my mind in just going ahead with the ip filter, it works exactly how I want. Was mainly worried about the Ip changing but that shouldn't be too much of an issue.

For the sake of helpful information to those who may have my issue I have tried everything except the empty folder method to no avail.

When I add in the .conf file it still just removes the thumbnails but keeps the name of the device in tact and the only renderer that changed to "unwanted" was "windows media player" lol. When I tried to view content the files has slashes through them on the upper right hand corner indicating they would not/couldn't play but thats about it, could still see everything and the thumbnails of each, also, even though photos had that slash through them, if you tapped on them, they would still be viewed just fine. I have tried removing all of the other renderer conf files with the same issue. One final thing I did notice was it is actually "working" just not working fully. By that I mean, if I went into settings and tried to view the tv's..etc their conf files would actually be listed as "unwanted.conf". It's just thats about all it did, I did the rest of the setup with my UUID for my TV, sure it recognized properly and played the content. However, it still showed up on the other tv's as viewable thumbnails pictures..etc. At this point I am not even sure how it is "supposed" to look on a devices listed as "unwanted" but if it's not as good as IP filtering (blocks devices from even seeing that UMS is running) then I don't think I would care much to use this method in the end.

Sorry I could not be of more help in resolving this. My issue is pretty unique because I see people using the same conf file from as recent as last month claiming success, if it was a samsung tv issue it def. would have been brought up long before me I feel.
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Re: Filter by UUID "unwanted" config file not working?

Post by squadjot »

Maybe this method never worked as i expected OR some things have changed in UMS since i made this thing in 2016 :P
I totally agree IP filtering is the way to go to be safe.
Many thanks for your feedback, it was helpful.
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Re: Filter by UUID "unwanted" config file not working?

Post by DamphirD »

In version 13.3 I don’t find where edit the config file per renderer, in old topic I see it must be found in top right side from the pop up window by clicking the renderer name but now I can’t find it. Is there any way to edit it manually?
Pd: the “unwanted” file apparently is working cause neither the smartphone or pc plays any video
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Re: Filter by UUID "unwanted" config file not working?

Post by mik_s »

That option was not moved over to the web interface as I don't think people used it that way and it may be broken, instead they edit or make the conf files directly.
That option is still there in the old settings if you must use it but this will store the custom conf in "C:\ProgramData\UMS"

The renderer confs are located in "C:\Program Files (x86)\Universal Media Server\renderers" if you want to edit them.
Might be better to make a copy of the conf you want to edit and put a higher LoadingPriority so it will be used instead of the original.
This way when UMS is updated your edits will not get overridden.

Refer to DefaultRenderer.conf for documentation on all the options.
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