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Re: Streaming suddenly stopped working

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2014 2:56 am
by infidel
jumpy.log wrote: result = self.core._fetchPage({"link": url, "auth": get("login"), "api": "true"})
socket.error: [Errno 10054] An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host
Users in the xbmc forums are reporting login problems with youtube, which may be what you're experiencing.
  • Try disabling login (remove your username/password in the xbmc youtube addon settings) to see if that helps.
  • If yes, try the patched youtube addon in the link, with login enabled.
Also, please report whether the specific addons in any new logs you attach are working ok in xbmc.

Re: Streaming suddenly stopped working

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2014 8:15 am
by R9deLima
Okay, when I get home I'll post some logs with the latest version of UMS and Jumpy. And yes, I still use the older version of UMS because of the buffer issues. I use the older version on my laptop and newer versions on my desktop for testing. I'll also test the streams in XBMC and try the youtube tweak. Thanks!! :D

Re: Streaming suddenly stopped working

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2014 9:23 am
by infidel
More stuff to check (having to do with the jumpy resolver's dependencies):
  • go to your XBMC addon folder: %APPDATA%\XBMC\addons\.
  • make sure the script.module.urlresolver and script.module.addon.common subfolders exist.
    • If not, download script.module.urlresolver and install it in xbmc (System >> Add-ons >> Install from zip-file).
    • verify both subfolders now exist.
  • open up an admin cmd console and run this command (all one line):

    Code: Select all

    mklink /d "%APPDATA%\XBMC\addons\script.module.addon.common\lib\t0mm0" "%APPDATA%\XBMC\addons\script.module.addon.common\lib\addon"
    and verify that a symlink called t0mm0 now exists in the script.module.addon.common\lib\ subfolder.
  • verify on taskbar/task manager that there aren't any hanging previous UMS javaw.exe processes and restart UMS.

Re: Streaming suddenly stopped working

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2014 6:05 pm
by R9deLima
Hi infidel. Here's a debug from the latest UMS & Jumpy. Everything I tested ran fine on XBMC. A couple streams played then froze(most likely buffer issue), but at least its something. But the rest failed, no input stream.

I'll test your other suggestions tomorrow as it is waaaaay past my bedtime. I'll report back as soon as I can. You've been great!

Re: Streaming suddenly stopped working

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2014 3:40 pm
by R9deLima
infidel wrote:
jumpy.log wrote: result = self.core._fetchPage({"link": url, "auth": get("login"), "api": "true"})
socket.error: [Errno 10054] An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host
Users in the xbmc forums are reporting login problems with youtube, which may be what you're experiencing.
  • Try disabling login (remove your username/password in the xbmc youtube addon settings) to see if that helps.
  • If yes, try the patched youtube addon in the link, with login enabled.
Also, please report whether the specific addons in any new logs you attach are working ok in xbmc.
I've applied the youtube addon fix and the login is working fine now as well as all the videos in XBMC. Nothing streaming to Ps3 yet though.

Re: Streaming suddenly stopped working

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2014 3:55 pm
by R9deLima
infidel wrote:More stuff to check (having to do with the jumpy resolver's dependencies):
  • go to your XBMC addon folder: %APPDATA%\XBMC\addons\.
  • make sure the script.module.urlresolver and script.module.addon.common subfolders exist.
    • If not, download script.module.urlresolver and install it in xbmc (System >> Add-ons >> Install from zip-file).
    • verify both subfolders now exist.
  • open up an admin cmd console and run this command (all one line):

    Code: Select all

    mklink /d "%APPDATA%\XBMC\addons\script.module.addon.common\lib\t0mm0" "%APPDATA%\XBMC\addons\script.module.addon.common\lib\addon"
    and verify that a symlink called t0mm0 now exists in the script.module.addon.common\lib\ subfolder.
  • verify on taskbar/task manager that there aren't any hanging previous UMS javaw.exe processes and restart UMS.
script.module.urlresolver and script.module.addon.common subfolders are there. I added the command line to cmd and the t0mm0 symlink is now there. I checked task manager and there are no previous hanging javaw.exe processes.

Here is another log after adding the t0mm0 symlink. The first stream I attempted played for a couple seconds and then a bunch of "There is no inputstream" errors followed and showed up with everything else I tried to stream.

Re: Streaming suddenly stopped working

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2014 6:43 pm
by R9deLima
Hi infidel!

Problem has been solved! :D I was reading up online on script.module.urlresolver and noticed that it was updated back on Tuesday March 18th. That was right around the exact same time my streams stop playing. So I thought I'd try rolling back a couple versions and boom, everything works perfect again! The current version is 2.2 and I rolled back to 1.2 which was updated back in November. I guess XBMC updated it automatically and that's where the trouble began both on my laptop and desktop. I'll have to keep an eye out for it in the future. The youtube fix was also a great help. Still some buffer issues with the latest UMS, but it's working better than the last couple versions. It works perfect with my old UMS 2.5.1 set up. Thanks so much for steering me in the right direction. You're a saviour ;)

Re: Streaming suddenly stopped working

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2014 10:53 pm
by infidel
R9deLima wrote:Problem has been solved! :D... script.module.urlresolver was updated right around the exact same time my streams stop playing. So I thought I'd try rolling back a couple versions to 1.2
Nice work and thx! Will look into this, urlresolver is key to jumpy-xbmc when it comes to youtube stuff (as you've just proven the hard way :D).

EDIT: Before you delete everything for good, can you test to see if urlresolver 2.2.0 fares any better if you (temporarily):

Re: Streaming suddenly stopped working

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2014 5:43 am
by R9deLima
Yes, I will definitely try it out when I get a chance.

I just noticed that the urlresolver automatically updated back to 2.2. I was curious and checked to see if it changed back. Can auto updates be disabled incase the t0mm0 modification doesn't work?

Re: Streaming suddenly stopped working

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2014 5:59 am
by infidel
I think you need to rollback with each update or turn off auto-update. You seem to be living in the past mostly :).