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UMS 3.3.0 - FFmpeg

Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2013 8:49 pm
by Buiten3
First of all I would thank everyone who has worked on this project for creating such awesome application.
Now up to the question: I have made a clean install of UMS 3.3.0 on my windows 8 PC and looking in the log files I see follow message:
[1] Cannot launch FFmpeg. Check the presence of win32/ffmpeg.exe
Anyhow when I look in the directory C:\Program Files (x86)\Universal Media Server\win32 I see that FFmpeg.exe is there.
On this moment I don’t see any problem when playing my avi files, but I have no idea if this will cause a problem in the future?
Can I ignore this message or do I do anything else?

Thanks and Regards,

Re: UMS 3.3.0 - FFmpeg

Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2013 9:05 pm
by sapsa
should it be win32\ffmpeg.exe rather than win32/ffmpeg.exe?

U can try to edit UMS.conf and put your path to ffmpeg there

Re: UMS 3.3.0 - FFmpeg

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2014 4:16 pm
by denpanosekai
sapsa wrote:should it be win32\ffmpeg.exe rather than win32/ffmpeg.exe?

U can try to edit UMS.conf and put your path to ffmpeg there
First, I have the same problem except for linux, it says:

Code: Select all

01-07 23:12:00  Please wait while we check the FFmpeg font cache, this can take a minute or so.
01-07 23:12:00  [1] Cannot launch FFmpeg. Check the presence of linux/ffmpeg
Now, how do you edit UMS.conf to point to the correct ffmpeg binary? I have 0.10 straight from Severinsson's PPA.

Re: UMS 3.3.0 - FFmpeg

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2014 10:33 pm
by Vallimar
On linux, the installed FFmpeg is at /path/to/ums-3.3.0/linux/ffmpeg.
What I do is rename that to ffmpeg.bak and then make a symlink to my system ffmpeg.

Re: UMS 3.3.0 - FFmpeg

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2014 1:29 am
by denpanosekai
No good. It wasn't a problem pre-3.3.0 anyway so I'm thinking it's a "text glitch" as everything actually seems to work.

Code: Select all

01-08 08:28:43  Please wait while we check the FFmpeg font cache, this can take a minute or so.
01-08 08:28:43  [1] Cannot launch FFmpeg. Check the presence of /home/xxx/.ums/latest/linux/ffmpeg

Re: UMS 3.3.0 - FFmpeg

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2014 11:32 am
by Vallimar
It's not a text glitch so much as it is you using an outdated and unsupported version
of FFmpeg with UMS. Your old version doesn't support the arguments it is attempting
to launch with so it reports a generic missing executable error instead of a report
that explains the actual problem. The code contains lots of assumptions and
shortcuts and so you get misrepresented issues such as this as a result.

Re: UMS 3.3.0 - FFmpeg

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2014 2:03 pm
by denpanosekai
Vallimar: how recent does the version have to be?? I'm using 2.0.1 from October 2013. I thought the point of packaging Linux binaries in UMS was so that ffmpeg would be fully supported out-of-the-box anyway?

Regardless, mencoder does the job. I just think the error message should be a little more explicit about the version not being supported, rather than reporting a missing binary.

Re: UMS 3.3.0 - FFmpeg

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2014 2:44 pm
by Vallimar
2.0.1 should be recent enough. You had mentioned earlier you were using someones copy
of the rather old 0.10 release but now you are saying the one bundled with UMS isn't working?
I think you need to make it more clear what exactly you are trying. You also need to check the
debug log to see if it is catching the errors from ffmpeg itself.

Re: UMS 3.3.0 - FFmpeg

Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2014 12:48 pm
by denpanosekai
bundled (N-58485-ga12b4bd) didn't work
switched to PPA, 0.10 didn't work
downloaded official binary 2.0.1 doesn't work either.