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[Workaround] Subtitles with Sony Bravia KDL-W

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2021 5:29 am
by David0325
< Using UMS since almost 10 years >
I bought a new TV, a sony bravia KDL-WF and the subtitles .srt are not displayed while playing movie.
As using UMS since 10 years, I know how the srt files have to be format, UTF-8, named as the file movie and how to select subttiles on my TV
But, no way, my TV display sub only if sub are inside the file. What a pain after 10 years of good and loyal service with UMS with a honest Samsung TV.
Please, help me to allow my Sony Bravia to display sub files as .srt
If not, I will must dev' a script right-clic on file to make a mkv with sub inside > maybe it will be faster than get a real helped answer

Re: Sony Bravia KDL-W

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2021 5:57 am
by David0325
OK, I did a script as it was faster.

Script for linux with files browser as nautilus or caja.
Copy paste the code in a text file > save it and name it > add permission to allow execute it > put the script in the script folder of nautilus/caja search for a guide on www.
Select the movie file + the sub, right click and select the script.
It make a mkv file include the sub file inside the mkv, without re-encode off-course, in 2 seconds.

Code: Select all


if [ $# -lt 2 ]
	zenity --title="$title" --error --text="You must select at least two files."
	exit 1

files=`echo "$NAUTILUS_SCRIPT_SELECTED_FILE_PATHS" | egrep -v '^$' | sort`
firstfile=`echo "$files" | head -n 1`
extension=`echo "$firstfile" | egrep -oi '\.[a-z0-9]+$'`
basename=`basename "$firstfile" $extension`
arg=`echo "$files" | awk '{ printf "\"%s\" ", $0 }'`

notify-send "Subtitles merging..." "$basename.withSub.mkv"

eval "mkvmerge -o \"$basename.withSub.mkv\" $arg"

notify-send "Done" "$@"

Re: [Workaround] Subtitles with Sony Bravia KDL-W

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2021 6:40 am
by Nadahar
You could also make sure that the renderer configuraton file for your new TV is correct. Not all TV's support subtitles via DLNA though, as it's not part of the standard. Samsung and Panasonic have made their own "unofficial" extensions that allows for subtitles to be specified. The renderer configuration must be configured to use either the "Samsung" or the "Panasonic" way for it to work - but that doesn't help if the TV doesn't actually support it. I have no idea if Sony supports any of the two.

Re: [Geçici Çözüm] Sony Bravia KDL-W ile Altyazılar

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2021 7:07 am
by Gustino
Öncelikle bunu deneyin..

Olmaz ise; aşağıdaki dosyayı dene..