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Help with restream m3u playlist

Posted: Sun May 01, 2022 4:41 am
by mnewiraq

I have playlist tv.m3u

And inside it there are 10 live tvs with the following link as example;


Using UMS, how can I restream this playlist?

Re: Help with restream m3u playlist

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2022 10:24 pm
by sscanf
This drove me nuts for a long time, looks like openjdk-specific? In any case it's definitely not a plug-and-play solution, your playlist will likely need some tinkering to work with UMS apparently very limited support for this:

So, If you are running UMS on openjdk, this doesn't work (Aug 2022):
audiostream.Test Playlist=UMS Local Audio,file:///STUFF/MP3/test-local.m3u

Now that should work, but it doesn't. Counterintuitively, this _does_ work:
audiostream.Test Playlist=UMS Local Audio,/STUFF/MP3/test-local.m3u

Basically, WEB.conf audio/videostream + URI protocol + M3U = empty folder. UMS (on Linux anyway) chokes on any m3u in the form of a URI, local or remote. INFO logging will show an obscure error about net.pms.dlna.PlaylistFolder.getPlaylistfile not being able to find the modified-by date for the file.
This baffles me because I think the java code actually is

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 public static DLNAResource getPlaylist(String name, String uri, int type) {
So anything like this won't work in Web.conf:
videostream.Freeview=VBox Channels,http://vbox:55555/ChannelList.m3u
but this will (tested, first d/l using wget, curl whatever):
videostream.Freeview=VBox Channels,/tv/ChannelList.m3u

This case seems the only time a proper URI will _not_ work in a UMS config, and can drive users absolutely batty.

UMS 11.3.0
openjdk version "11.0.16" 2022-07-19
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 11.0.16+8-post-Debian-1deb10u1)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 11.0.16+8-post-Debian-1deb10u1, mixed mode, sharing)

(OH and UMS doesn't properly read M3U description tags either so don't have a bunch of

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#EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="" tvg-logo="http://...
metadata in your playlist or it will be very hard to read on the client side :D

Edit: I forgot to mention another serious UMS limitation of reading M3U -> seems you cannot have "stacking" or a "playlist of playlists" in Web.conf (regardless of the type - .pls, m3u8, etc and regardless of how many entries the 'child' playlist has). So, NO multi-level or "nested" playlists -> every entry on your Web.conf M3U playlist must be an actually transcodable file. The M3U itself can be a list of local files OR web URI but those URI must point to actual media sources. IMHO together with the other problems above you can see how it really needs a lot of work here..

Apologize for the long answer, but I tried to be complete..