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Renderers Samsung QLED 4K 2023 Q68C

Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2024 2:24 am
by Fredo1650
UMS is not correctly detecting the TV it is using the wrong rendering engine.
Unable to launch 4K mkv media, mkv media are read by UMS as mpg media (1st picture )
When I deactivate mkv transcoding, the media plays correctly but the sound is not present (DTS codecs)
The DivX and DTS codecs are not supported by the Samsung TV models released in 2023
I could not find the Samsung QLED 4K 2023 Q68C television in the list of rendering engines
modelName= TQ43Q68CAU ... 0206.0.pdf

Can you help me please
Best regards

Re: Renderers Samsung QLED 4K 2023 Q68C

Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2024 8:55 pm
by mik_s
Please post your logs on the forum, the link was empty anyway.
I'll remove them from your post so it does not get confused with spam.

From your description this is normal as DTS is not supported on that TV so the file has to be transcoded to a mpeg stream to be playable.
As the transcoded file does not exist yet it will have a file size of 0.

Transcoding 4K takes a lot of processing power so depending on your system it may not be fast enough to play well if at all.

I had a look at currently available confs for Samsung and it looks like the latest ones that exist is for the 2021 models.
As there will not a good match it is probably using a old fallback conf to give some functionality.

I could modify one of the 2021 confs to match with your TV as it will be closer to what it supports and it uses a different transcoding method that overcomes some of the problems with transcoding (like being unable to seek) assuming you computer is powerful enough to do this transcoding in realtime.

I will need to see your logs though to see how the TV identifies itself on the network to make this change. See the link in my sig on how to do them.

Re: Renderers Samsung QLED 4K 2023 Q68C

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2024 2:15 am
by Fredo1650
Hello, I will send you the logs:
(416.25 KiB) Downloaded 107 times
I had already tried the configurations of the 2021 models but none worked correctly, video playback not possible, currently all the settings are by default in the logs that I sent you.
UMS default currently, video playback not possible
UMS default currently, video playback not possible
302108083-a3d5ea2f-8574-47c6-9626-2691a823d60b.jpg (160.05 KiB) Viewed 3555 times
By deactivating mkv transcoding it allowed me to play the video but the sound does not work because it is in DTS audio
disable mkv transcoding, Video playback Ok, but no DTS audio sound
disable mkv transcoding, Video playback Ok, but no DTS audio sound
302108036-0a80ed96-aa04-46c2-ab54-6775789b5183.jpg (140.19 KiB) Viewed 3555 times

Re: Renderers Samsung QLED 4K 2023 Q68C

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2024 8:57 am
by mik_s
Your TV does not support DTS so it will not be able to play without transcoding, or will play the video but no audio.

Samsung has stopped supporting DTS from around 2018 as it saves them money on licencing fees.
The only way for this to fully play properly is to transcode into a format that is supported like mpeg.

The reason why transcoding is not working is because your network speed to the TV is too slow at only 2.4mb/s when the TV was detected.
Improving the speed will make this work properly. Try connecting your TV directly to the router with a cable for the best connection, or have your router within line of sight of your TV when on wifi.

The problem with transcoding with the conf being used is it will be limited to 1080p as there is not a proper one for it. But with the specs of your computer it will be unable to transcode at a higher resolution unless you have a recent graphics card to do the encoding. My computer has similar specs and no graphics card and uses 100% CPU to transcode 1080p when playing on my PS4, at least till it gets a good buffer to prevent stuttering.

I compared the specs of the Q68C to the Q6*A/AU9 series used in the "Samsung-TV-2021-1.conf" and it is almost identical except a SVAF container that I have never heard of.
I have made some changes to that conf so your TV will use this one instead. It won't magically make that video playable but will prevent unintended transcoding of formats that are supported, and when it has to transcode it will use a better method, but this depends on if you can improve the network speed.

I would suggest you either find another version of your videos that don't use DTS or manually converting them yourself using Handbrake so UMS just has to stream them to the TV.

Re: Renderers Samsung QLED 4K 2023 Q68C

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2024 3:47 am
by Fredo1650
Hello, I tried the new configuration Samsung-TV-2023.conf no video started.
Video 1 and 2 1080p .mkv
Video 3 and 4 4k .mkv
(994.28 KiB) Downloaded 104 times
2nd try Transcoding parameters (Do not transcode the following extensions) mkv
With this setting All videos started correctly, 4k videos played perfectly, some even weighing 70GB
(500.07 KiB) Downloaded 78 times
Below 3 screenshot:
Picture 1, Screenshot on TV, test 1
Picture 2, Screenshot UMS Transcoding Settings, test2
Picture 3, Screenshot on TV, test 2
(494.91 KiB) Downloaded 74 times
I have the impression that Samsung TVs do not support UMS transcoding, because on all videos the extensions are no longer in .mkv on the TV menu.
I tried with the network cable, it didn't change anything, videos marked .mkv launch correctly, videos that UMS modifies in Format: x-mpegURL do not launch

Re: Renderers Samsung QLED 4K 2023 Q68C

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2024 3:26 pm
by mik_s
They will not be MKV if they are transcoded.
In that conf it uses the profile "HLS-MPEGTS-H264-AAC" which uses the "x-mpegURL" mime type so those pictures are correct.

As transcoding is happening in realtime then UMS cannot send a file size to the renderer as the file does not exist yet, so showing as 0.00 bytes is normal.

Samsung are not great with transcoding videos as they use the seek-by-byte method instead of seek-by-time which will disable being able to FF or RWD the stream.
With HLS this should overcome this limitation as it works something like cutting up the file into chunks and using a playlist. This is how Youtube works for example.

The problem you are having is your network speed. In both your logs UMS is reading it as

Code: Select all

Renderer Samsung 2021 (QE1C/Q6*C Series) has an estimated network speed of 2.408727272727273 Mb/s
Renderer Samsung 2021 (QE1C/Q6*C Series) has an estimated network speed of 2.208 Mb/s
(Just realised I forgot to change the year in renderer name :oops: )

and because the bitrate of those files is higher then UMS is trying to transcode at a lower quality so it can be played.

Code: Select all

File "Gen V S01E01.mkv" will not be streamed because the bitrate (20011498 b/s) is too high (2000000 b/s).
Final verdict: "Gen V S01E01.mkv" will be transcoded with engine "FFmpeg Video" with mime type "video/x-matroska"
File "6 Underground 2019.mkv" will not be streamed because the bitrate (8777158 b/s) is too high (2000000 b/s).
Final verdict: "6 Underground 2019.mkv" will be transcoded with engine "FFmpeg Video" with mime type "video/x-matroska"
But limiting the bitrate to 2mb/s is too low to transcode so the process fails.

You will need to improve the network speed for this to work properly, 2Mb/s may be enough to stream some things but it will most likely result in stuttering and hitching as the TV cannot receive the data fast enough. Ideally you should have at least 20Mb/s or more as transcoding fast uses up a lot of network bandwidth.

If for some reason the speed test is incorrect you can turn off the "Use automatic maximum bandwidth" setting and UMS will just assume a bandwidth of 90Mb/s (at default) is available, but if there are any playback issues it will be because of your actual network speed.

Also your computer might not be fast enough for HLS transcoding. I have had problems with getting good playback in the webplayer which only uses this, it does work but if I change anything it will struggle. See how the webplayer on your computer works for you as this will eliminate the network speed issue, if it does not play well then the same will be true on the TV and I can change the transcoding method to the old one but this will have its drawbacks.

This conf just fixes the name so you can ignore it if that does not bother you.

Re: Renderers Samsung QLED 4K 2023 Q68C

Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2024 2:34 am
by Fredo1650
Hello, indeed UMS does not detect the network correctly, I deactivated "Use automatic maximum bandwidth" and set the parameter to 0 (1Gb/s)
I did a test with an ethernet cable on the TV, automatic UMS detection:
Renderer Samsung 2023 (QE1C/Q6*C Series) has an estimated network speed of 17.664 Mb/s
UMS should at least theoretically detect a minimum 100Mb/s network automatically in ethernet

Wifi TV network test playing Avatar 4k:
Renderer Samsung 2023 (QE1C/Q6*C Series) has an estimated network speed of 2.208 Mb/s
Actual throughput up to 100 mb/s in Wifi:
Monitoring 3.jpg
Monitoring 3.jpg (225.18 KiB) Viewed 3425 times
1.jpg (6.81 KiB) Viewed 3425 times

Re: Renderers Samsung QLED 4K 2023 Q68C

Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2024 2:59 am
by Fredo1650
I noticed that when UMS transcodes videos it does not use the graphics card, only the processor (I had already tried to activate the Enable GPU acceleration setting, but that doesn't change anything)
I launched this same video in 4k on VLC it works perfectly below 2 captures of the UMS task manager (Picture left) and VLC (Picture right)
Monitoring UMS.jpg
Monitoring UMS.jpg (281.65 KiB) Viewed 3425 times
I don't understand why UMS tries to transcode certain video (Avatar 4K) unnecessarily when the television supports all codecs.
In the transcoding settings I added the mkv extension in (Do not transcode the following extensions) this gives me better results

Fichier log Do not transcode the following extensions "mkv"
Do not transcode the following extensions "mkv"
(334.86 KiB) Downloaded 107 times
Fichier log Do not transcode the following extensions " " (By default)
Do not transcode the following extensions " "
(499.99 KiB) Downloaded 109 times

Re: Renderers Samsung QLED 4K 2023 Q68C

Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2024 9:50 am
by mik_s
There may be 2 reasons why Avatar is transcoding.
One is that it uses the PGS subtitle format that is not supported on that TV but for most renderers that should not prevent it from playing and I don't think UMS will decide to transcode because of this.
The other reason is it uses the TrueHD audio format that is not listed as supported in the manual so has not been added to the conf.

Try playing from the #--TRANSCODE--# folder and choose "No transcoding" to see if the TV will actually play this properly. If it does then I can tweak the conf to add those formats.
(if you do not see it, enable "show the #--Transcode--# folder" in the GUI on the navigation tab, in the web GUI it is in the "virtual folders/files" section)

Your network speed to your router probably won't be the speed to the TV as manufacturers won't use expensive Gigabit ports on TVs so will be limited to far less than 100Mb/s depending on how much money they want to save on the port. For a wired connection 17.664 Mb/s is much better than the 2mb's on wifi but still seems slow. Maybe something is interfering with the speed test on your computer or your TV is just not responding quick enough to the ping.

A better way to measure the speed will be if there is an app on the TV to do it but not sure there is any available. If there is a web browser on the TV then you could use OpenSpeedTest running on your computer to do it. More info in this video. This should give you a better idea if the measurement in UMS is wrong.

I don't have a graphics card that is able to do encoding so I don't exactly know what settings to use but try one of these.
I'm guessing you will need to use "h264_nvenc" for "AVC/H.264 GPU encoding acceleration method"
Clipboard Image (4).jpg
Clipboard Image (4).jpg (128.04 KiB) Viewed 3417 times
and make sure GPU acceleration is turned on (it shows it off in your settings)
Clipboard Image (5).jpg
Clipboard Image (5).jpg (13.92 KiB) Viewed 3417 times
Another thing I just remembered is setting the max speed to 0 would break all the web settings due to a bug.
I don't know exactly which version this appeared but I found it while testing the V14 beta a while ago and I don't think the fix got included into the main branch.
From what I remember it would prevent the web settings to actually load your settings and would not save if you change anything.
Just in case set this back to 90 in the old GUI if you are using a wired connection, or 30 is recommended on wifi.

Re: Renderers Samsung QLED 4K 2023 Q68C

Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2024 12:20 pm
by Fredo1650
I played the video from the #--TRANSCODE--# folder and chose “No transcoding” the television reads the French / English languages correctly, this also comes back to the methods I already use (skip transcoding for the following extensions "mkv") to prevent UMS from unnecessarily transcoding the video
skip transcoding for the following extensions
skip transcoding for the following extensions
UMS.jpg (131.56 KiB) Viewed 3411 times
Concerning the network, WIFI, 2,208 Mb/s is what UMS detects, which is false because while the video is playing I have 150MB/s coming out of the network card to the TV via WIFI
Connexion Wifi.jpg
Connexion Wifi.jpg (193.37 KiB) Viewed 3411 times
For an Ethernet connection on the TV UMS detects 17,664 Mb/s on 100
For GPU encoding acceleration I followed your advice but only VLC video uses the GPU, the other encoders did not use the GPU (FFmpeg Video...)