[Solved] Marked as played resets after restart

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Re: Marked as played resets after restart

Post by mik_s »

I think this confirms another copy of UMS is running as when you quit UMS it should release the database.

I'm suspecting it could be running as a service if you find it in the registry in any section other than firewall rules, I just checked mine and this is where it shows up for UMS but javaw.exe is also used by several other programs on my system so you may find multiple entries too.

Try running Services.msc from the windows search bar and see if there is an entry there for UMS.
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Re: Marked as played resets after restart

Post by Fredo1650 »

Hello, maybe related to the problem that I posted on the Updating Fully Played Thumbnails #4608
https://github.com/UniversalMediaServer ... ssues/4608

Update folder contents when thumbnail is updated #2664
https://github.com/UniversalMediaServer ... ssues/2664

Fully played media bug #4592
https://github.com/UniversalMediaServer ... ssues/4592

It would be necessary to compare the television and the UMS WEB player if they have the same information on the media marked fully played
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Re: Marked as played resets after restart

Post by mik_s »

I thought about that but in this case the database is not being used due to corruption.
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Re: Marked as played resets after restart

Post by hego »

Hi all,

Here is the current status.

I uninstalled both UMS and Java, removed the shortcut from my startup folder, restarted the computer, and reinstalled UMS with the basic conf and just one share. I realized that now the old settings are very different, and have fewer options. I didn't select the option to start with Windows, but UMS is doing it anyway.

And now it doesn't mark the files as played anymore. 😣 So before I uninstalled it, it marked the files as played but the mark disappeared after the restart; now there is no marking at all. At least it seems that the ghost instance is not there anymore because every time I restart the server the web interface opens whereas before this only happened when I restarted the computer.

Any ideas?
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Re: Marked as played resets after restart

Post by hego »

mik_s wrote: Wed Apr 24, 2024 3:43 pm I think this confirms another copy of UMS is running as when you quit UMS it should release the database.

I'm suspecting it could be running as a service if you find it in the registry in any section other than firewall rules, I just checked mine and this is where it shows up for UMS but javaw.exe is also used by several other programs on my system so you may find multiple entries too.

Try running Services.msc from the windows search bar and see if there is an entry there for UMS.
There was nothing on services.
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Re: Marked as played resets after restart

Post by mik_s »

From these new logs everything looks normal now as far as I can tell and the database is working. The web interface opening is also a sign of some conflict before as it should open to allow you to set or turn off user accounts on first run. You can turn off the option to open the web GUI on startup.

As for marking as played I only saw one video being played but the watch time is no where near the total time so it was not marked as played.

Code: Select all

net.pms.dlna.MediaMonitor Fully Played feature logging:
net.pms.dlna.MediaMonitor    duration: 1299.426
net.pms.dlna.MediaMonitor    getLastStartPosition: 611.1915524101053
net.pms.dlna.MediaMonitor    getStartTime: 1714607444995
net.pms.dlna.MediaMonitor    getLastStartSystemTimeUser: 0
net.pms.dlna.MediaMonitor    elapsed: 214.425
net.pms.dlna.MediaMonitor    minimum play time needed: 1195.47192
net.pms.dlna.MediaMonitor final decision: not fully played
There may be problems with the elapsed time calculations though as when I was doing testing of V14 I would have videos marked as played (and them moved to another folder due to my settings) when only viewing a few seconds. Other times it would not mark when I had fully played.

You should be able to mark a whole folder as played in the shared folders section in the web interface. I don't know if you have tried this as I don't know what to look for in the logs if it is used.

Also as @Fredo1650 mentioned another problem could be your TV keeping a cache of the thumbnails so if it does not know the thumbnail has changed then it will not load the new one. You can check to see if the TV is a factor by looking at the web player as that will always update.

I don't know why UMS started with windows even though you did not select that option on install. Maybe something is not working right with the installer or some remnant of the previous install still exists. I suggest you try Autoruns (part of Sysinternals suite from Microsoft) as it will show every program and process that will start with windows and when, and allow you to disable them. It may have been that UMS was auto starting on each user login.
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Re: Marked as played resets after restart

Post by hego »

Thank you all for the help, I'm sure we'll figure this out, eventually. Things already improved a little.

I don't have a smart TV; I use mostly the PS3 (80% of the time) and the player I mention below (20%) to watch videos and the Roku for music.

Now I played several videos back-to-back, on my media player - it shows as "on video" on the logs and it's the same one I used to take the screenshots on the second reply.

Before I created the first post and made all the changes I mentioned here, the files were marked as played after half the video was played, and it even happened if I fast-forwarded. It never failed to show the played mark, but it could be delayed a few seconds - on PS3 it displayed the "thinking clock" - I don't how you call it but it's that small clock that shows something is being updated. And now all players show that things were played.
played-1.png (1.53 MiB) Viewed 2463 times
However, after I restarted the application, one of the videos changed its status:
Not-played-1.png (1.41 MiB) Viewed 2463 times
Bottom line, things are better, but still there's something going on. I'm sorry but I don't have a log for the last issue. I will try and replicate it to see if I can get a log. I couldn't make the file debug.log.zip to be less than 5MB, so I'm attaching it to my next reply.

Thank you!
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Re: Marked as played resets after restart

Post by hego »

Here are the logs.
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Re: Marked as played resets after restart

Post by mik_s »

Could you create the logs as shown in the red section above, I can't really make sense of them when they are just rar files as I have no idea if they contain everything.
When packing the logs they should be zip files and I can just import them in my log viewer without needing to extract them.

I did unpack the full one you posted to have a look but it is from an older version and made last month. I think you posted these logs already.
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Re: Marked as played resets after restart

Post by hego »

Yes, I just saw that I attached the wrong log. Sorry for that, my bad.

I upgraded to 14.0.0 now and I will test the system for a few days to see how it goes. I already noticed that things are too slow, much slower than before, but that is not part of this thread so I'll comment later on another post if this becomes an issue.

One thing that I saw was happening on 13.10 and that I want to test in the new version is that files were only being marked as played if I watched the whole video without any interruptions like stopping and returning later, which I do a lot. This was not an issue before and I hope the new version fixed it.

Thank you!
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