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Select a non-default folder for the iTunes library

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2012 10:05 am
by tonkatuff
Hi Subjunk,

Firstly, thanks for a great app, I get many hours of use every day :)

I've always thought that PMS should have had the ability to be pointed at a non-default folder destination for the iTunes library. I've had to install my iTunes library in a non-default folder to improve sharing across user profiles etc. I've never been able to find where to modify this in a Conf file, but thought it would be relatively easy to add into the GUI?

Now that you are driving UMS, I'm hoping this kind of update will be more within your control so you can leave PMS even further behind :)



Re: Select a non-default folder for the iTunes library

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 4:30 pm
by SubJunk
Hi tonkatuff, glad you are liking UMS :) I have added this to our to-do list