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Hide all Folders for each virtual

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2015 10:54 pm
by elmoxol
Hello everybody
First of all my english is not very good so i'll do my best and hope you'll do your best for understand me. Thks in advance...

So, just a question about hidding folders ... I just set up UMS to use virtual folders trying to do navigation as easy and fast as possible.
I have many folders and files in my units and i ask for if there is a way to hide folders from a virtual folder, i mean, i set up a virtual folder and inside this i have many folders and movies ... so i want just to see movie files, not folder or just folders i want to see... per example,
D:\ unit virtualized to a folder call, "movies"
D:\documents folder (folder)
D:\superman.mkv (file)

So i want to see just superman.mkv when i go inside "movies"
I set up to hide empty folders but some folders have videos or music so ...still appear. Just i way to say "dont show that folder"

Is it possible? and how?

thks so much