Jumpy Plugin (26 October 2016)

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Re: Jumpy Plugin (26 February 2016)

Post by infidel »

sapsa wrote:If you say you need it then ok.
Thx :). I think a workaround for the ImportError may be to add plugin.video.nakamori to the 'force_resolve' list in the gui, see here. Post logs if you still have issues, and I'll update things if I can fix the underlying issue.
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Re: Jumpy Plugin (26 February 2016)

Post by sapsa »

infidel wrote:
sapsa wrote:If you say you need it then ok.
Thx :). I think a workaround for the ImportError may be to add plugin.video.nakamori to the 'force_resolve' list in the gui, see here. Post logs if you still have issues, and I'll update things if I can fix the underlying issue.
Adding plugin.video.nakamori to "force_resolve" in gui did resovle ImportError

But now videos are drawn as folders with 2 files inside that are named "0" (probably one item per audio channel) and are 00:00:00 video/mp4, which for the love of god do play fine (without fancy name/seek/duration/info/anything)

from Jumpy log I see this:

Code: Select all

*** setResolvedUrl ***
raw :
name: 0
type: 4
url :
details : {'media': {'duration': '0:00', 'streams': []}}
{'media': {'duration': '0:00', 'streams': []}}
[jumpy] media: container: null, bitrate: 0, size: 0, video codec: null, duration: 00:00:00.00, width: 0, height: 0, frame rate: null, mime type: null, attached fonts: false
[jumpy] Adding web video: 0.
Am I able to name those files somehow ? or make jumpy support those video files normaly instead of making those 2 files in folder?

Also I notice that jumpy.log have those:

Code: Select all

*** addDirectoryItem ***
[jumpy] Adding folder: True Tears.
**** executebuiltin **** XBMC.Notification(ERROR,   Error during addGUIItem, 2000, icon.png)
calling XBMC.Notification('ERROR','   Error during addGUIItem', 2000,' icon.png')
Which basically is my error notification popup - which is indicator that there was an error in adding items to list (while those show up in Jumpy)

Could you help me make better use of my plugin and your great jumpy ?:-)

PS. Also for some reason android VLC wont play those even after "force" but thats probably UMS problem
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Re: Jumpy Plugin (26 February 2016)

Post by HT1 »

Hello Infidel

i have some problems installing jumpy (as admin), i've just installed ums on a new computer with windows 10 x64, i added logs from 1st run and 2nd run for you. both times installed as admin, i set the shortcut to start as that.

On 1st run it installed everything upto rtmpdump then things go sideways. after the installer finished with errors i had to quit and restart ums and restart the install.

On 2nd run, it stalled at youtube install for over 10minutes, i don't know why, there's no indication of a problem in your setup.log.

i finaly pressed ctrl+c and no to not terminate.

the install takes a really long time, i mean like over 10 minutes, sometimes over 20 or half an hour.

1. i have an i5-4200 cpu and 8gigs of ram, a 60mbit internet download, it really doesn't take long to download and install each little program, it shouldn't take this long to finish overall.
2. the downloads go fast
3. each prog installs fast.
4. it stalls in between after a program is finished installing and downloading the next (1 or 2 minutes or more).

Question: i don't need youtube or anything else than twitch, isn't there a simpler installer just for twitch not all these superfluous things? An idea would be when we click jumpy and install in the plugins tab, 1st show a setup window and let us choose what we want to install with checkboxes, including the scripts (i only need xbmc) .

like for now, i'm still running 2nd time , stuck at the youtube installer waiting for who knows what for 10minutes this time. it's stuck and not moving. The last line in setup.log is: setting youtube-dl.lib.path = C:\\PROGRA~2\\UNIVER~1\\win32\\YOUTUB~1

that's it, no time indication in the log file, no detailled indication of what's really going on.

it would be good for future updates to add the times for each line.

/edit: ok i just ctrl+c the setup and it moved to the next program after 10 minutes of waiting. i'm sure it was waiting for either for user input or stuck in a loop some where.

And a few times on other computers the installer seemed stalled for long or paused waiting for user input, so i ctrl+c and it asked to terminate batch file or continue and after hitting no , it went to next download quickly. and after waiting a good 1 or 2 minutes between installed programs i hit ctrl+c again just to make things move along there must be something wrong somewhere.

i'm not sure why this is happening but i'm game if you're willing to try and figure it out together.
(4.39 KiB) Downloaded 575 times
(5.07 KiB) Downloaded 586 times
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Re: Jumpy Plugin (26 February 2016)

Post by infidel »

sapsa wrote:Could you help me make better use of my plugin and your great jumpy ?:-)
Jumpy-xbmc is mostly a 'great' number of ad-hoc opportunistic hacks, but thx anyway :). In general as you see, it just mocks the interactive features of the Kodi api passively/blindly, since there's no such thing as user input or even notifications in dlna. There are a lot of do-nothing gaps and fakery in jumpy's version of the api.
sapsa wrote:Adding plugin.video.nakamori to "force_resolve" in gui did resovle ImportError
Btw I think if you simply change nakamori.py: line 2 from 'import os.path' to just

Code: Select all

import os
then everything should still work in Kodi and without any ImportError or force_resolve workaround necessary in jumpy. The underlying issue is jumpy's fault, having to do with its module reuse strategy which needs an overhaul.

The rest of your issues seem readily fixable on the jumpy side. Since I can't easily run the addon, if you send me logs showing normal navigation/playback I can try to patch whatever holes they show in jumpy's api support or suggest slight non-intrusive mods to nakamori (btw are you the author or a user? I confess I'm a bit confused on this point :)).
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Re: Jumpy Plugin (26 February 2016)

Post by infidel »

HT1 wrote:the install takes a really long time, i mean like over 10 minutes, sometimes over 20 or half an hour.
infidel wrote:stuck at the youtube installer waiting for who knows what for 10minutes this time
Hi HT1 :). I don't know what to tell you, I haven't received any other similar reports and I can't reproduce the behaviour myself. Possibly the youtube-dl download server was offline, or download is somehow blocked on your system? Have you tried it again on other days to rule out server-side problems?

HT1 wrote:Question: i don't need youtube or anything else than twitch, isn't there a simpler installer just for twitch not all these superfluous things?
You can just download the zip package and unzip it to your plugins folder (and remember to delete the old jumpy-xxx.jar too). This should be sufficient as long as the other pieces were already installed at some earlier time.

I realize you may find this frustrating and less than ideal, but c'est la guerre as they say. I have less time to spend nowadays ;).
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Re: Jumpy Plugin (26 February 2016)

Post by HT1 »

i realize you may not have the time, but i was thinking how about bundling all the little programs in 1 installer program like a k-lite package, but for jumpy? it might be big but could simplify things.

like i said, its in between the programs that it stalls, after installing and before moving on to the next program.
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Re: Jumpy Plugin (26 February 2016)

Post by sapsa »

Part 1:
sapsa wrote:
infidel wrote:
sapsa wrote:If you say you need it then ok.
Thx :). I think a workaround for the ImportError may be to add plugin.video.nakamori to the 'force_resolve' list in the gui, see here. Post logs if you still have issues, and I'll update things if I can fix the underlying issue.
Adding plugin.video.nakamori to "force_resolve" in gui did resovle ImportError

But now videos are drawn as folders with 2 files inside that are named "0" (probably one item per audio channel) and are 00:00:00 video/mp4, which for the love of god do play fine (without fancy name/seek/duration/info/anything)

from Jumpy log I see this:

Code: Select all

*** setResolvedUrl ***
raw :
name: 0
type: 4
url :
details : {'media': {'duration': '0:00', 'streams': []}}
{'media': {'duration': '0:00', 'streams': []}}
[jumpy] media: container: null, bitrate: 0, size: 0, video codec: null, duration: 00:00:00.00, width: 0, height: 0, frame rate: null, mime type: null, attached fonts: false
[jumpy] Adding web video: 0.
Am I able to name those files somehow ? or make jumpy support those video files normaly instead of making those 2 files in folder?

Also I notice that jumpy.log have those:

Code: Select all

*** addDirectoryItem ***
[jumpy] Adding folder: True Tears.
**** executebuiltin **** XBMC.Notification(ERROR,   Error during addGUIItem, 2000, icon.png)
calling XBMC.Notification('ERROR','   Error during addGUIItem', 2000,' icon.png')
Which basically is my error notification popup - which is indicator that there was an error in adding items to list (while those show up in Jumpy)

Could you help me make better use of my plugin and your great jumpy ?:-)

PS. Also for some reason android VLC wont play those even after "force" but thats probably UMS problem
Part 2:

Code: Select all

import os
helped, also not sure why Jumpy have problem with weird characters but that was also fixed.
Only thing that would be great is that when I use force_resolve I end up with "directories" intead of "files"

Could you help? I can provide sqlite database for you to run in jmmserver in windows envirement if you need to.
Or I can provide you with "logs" but you have to write me which one and how to obtain them ;-)

Part 3:
also when running

Code: Select all

fsutil 8dot3name query c:
C:\WINDOWS\system32>fsutil 8dot3name query c:
The volume state is: 0 (8dot3 name creation is enabled).
The registry state is: 0 (Enable 8dot3 name creation on all volumes).

Based on the above two settings, 8dot3 name creation is enabled on c:
But Jumpy installer tells me that I have it disable (also I have only one drive C:)

Part 4:
Also: xbmc.main.path is ignored from UMS.conf (acording to log file which shows C:/Program Files(x86)/Kodi)

Part 5:
Using plugin without force and browse it using port 9001 I can navigate to series, click play resulting in navigating to ip:9001/play/112
and I have this in log:

Code: Select all

got a play request /play/112
09:36:18 DEBUG Make play page 112
09:36:18 DEBUG Setting web client ua: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:49.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/49.0
09:36:18 DEBUG Setting Firefox browser info: platform:win64, screen:1680x1050, isTouchDevice:false
09:36:18 TRACE Format "mpegts" failed to match supported line f:flv v:h264|hls a:aac m:video/flash
09:36:18 TRACE Format "mpegts" failed to match supported line f:mp4 m:video/mp4
09:36:18 TRACE Format "mpegts" failed to match supported line f:mp3 n:2 m:audio/mpeg
09:36:18 TRACE Format "mpegts" failed to match supported line f:jpg m:image/jpeg
09:36:18 TRACE Format "mpegts" failed to match supported line f:png m:image/png
09:36:18 TRACE Format "mpegts" failed to match supported line f:gif m:image/gif
09:36:18 TRACE Format "mpegts" failed to match supported line f:tiff m:image/tiff
And playing other media type result in this:

Code: Select all

09:37:55 DEBUG dumping media video/ogg resolver [id=198, name=Everyone Looks a Little Grown Up After Spring Break, full path=198, ext=WEB, discovered=false]
09:37:55 DEBUG file req /files/download.png
09:37:55 DEBUG Using resource: file:web/download.png
09:37:55 DEBUG key Cookie=[UMS=093432b0-f56f-4c4a-a518-bf165a7b41cc; UMSINFO=platform=Win64&width=1680&height=1050&isTouchDevice=false; pad=PadBlack; view=grid]
09:37:55 DEBUG key Referer=[http://ip:9001/play/198]
09:37:55 DEBUG key Connection=[keep-alive]
09:37:55 DEBUG key Host=[ip:9001]
09:37:55 DEBUG key Dnt=[1]
09:37:55 DEBUG key Range=[bytes=0-]
09:37:55 DEBUG key User-agent=[Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:49.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/49.0]
09:37:55 DEBUG key Accept-language=[en-US,en;q=0.5]
09:37:55 TRACE Format "mpegts" failed to match supported line f:flv v:h264|hls a:aac m:video/flash
09:37:55 TRACE Format "mpegts" failed to match supported line f:mp4 m:video/mp4
09:37:55 TRACE Format "mpegts" failed to match supported line f:mp3 n:2 m:audio/mpeg
09:37:55 TRACE Format "mpegts" failed to match supported line f:jpg m:image/jpeg
09:37:55 TRACE Format "mpegts" failed to match supported line f:png m:image/png
09:37:55 TRACE Format "mpegts" failed to match supported line f:gif m:image/gif
09:37:55 TRACE Format "mpegts" failed to match supported line f:tiff m:image/tiff
09:37:55 DEBUG dumping media video/ogg resolver [id=198, name=Everyone Looks a Little Grown Up After Spring Break, full path=198, ext=WEB, discovered=false]
09:38:08 DEBUG Sending ALIVE...
Which end up with loading web player, its ok.
Shouldn't this trigger UMS to start transcoding or something ? also mpegts not supported?
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Re: Jumpy Plugin (26 February 2016)

Post by infidel »

sapsa wrote:Part 1:
To keep thing sane please refrain from quoting back entire posts, just the relevant part is enough :).

sapsa wrote:Or I can provide you with "logs" but you have to write me which one and how to obtain them
See How to ask for support (at the top of every forum section) for info on how to provide "logs" ;).

sapsa wrote:Only thing that would be great is that when I use force_resolve I end up with "directories" intead of "files"
The point of 'import os' was to get rid of 'force_resolve' ;).

The long story on force_resolve is that in Kodi addons can resolve a link and then initiate and manage playback in the same call, so the idea of an initially 'unresolved' media item is built-in. In UMS plugins are expected to deliver media items with resolved uris (on the assumption that we're dealing with real local files with known uris) and UMS handles playback on its own. Previously jumpy handled this by deferring the addon's 'resolve' functionality by placing it in an extra folder on the path, since resolving is expensive and should only be done if the user actually intends it. Now, setting 'force_resolve' for an addon means simply 'use the old extra folder strategy'.

Currently jumpy handles this by adding a custom 'unresolved' media item which then waits for the user to press play, at which point it 'jumps' into the UMS playback process by calling the addon code to resolve the uri and switching it on the fly right before playback. This eliminates the need for the extra folder but involves some fooling of both the addon and UMS to get it to happen in one motion. Not sure if this explanation helps, but that's the story.

sapsa wrote:Part 3:
sapsa wrote:Part 4:
I can answer these better once i see "logs" ;). Snippets don't give enough context, but fyi jumpy installer is running fsutil too, and it's not clear to me what you're expecting xbmc.main.path to be ;).

sapsa wrote:Part 5:
Jumpy's only involvement here is to pass on whatever duration and codec data it receives via the addon's ListItem dict to UMS, but after that UMS decides what specifically happens vis transcoding.
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Re: Jumpy Plugin (26 February 2016)

Post by sapsa »

infidel wrote:...This eliminates the need for the extra folder but involves some fooling of both the addon and UMS to get it to happen in one motion. Not sure if this explanation helps, but that's the story.
I understand now why when using 'force' i have 2 folders, that is clear now.
You mention about 'some fooling' at addon side. I would like to 'tweak' plugin so jumpy will like it more and use proper data and make this once again work.
infidel wrote:and it's not clear to me what you're expecting xbmc.main.path to be ;).
In 'jumpy' documentation there is section about pms/ums.conf that state that xbmc.main.path in config file should point to kodi binary folder. Even with that option present the log file says different path.

also changing this option (xbmc.main.poath" in jumpy-xbmc in gui of plugin also won;t save changes.

Also when installing UMS 6.3.2 now Jumpy work without force resolve, which pleased me.

But one thing is buging me but thats probably UMS thing?: Should I be able to have seek bar working ? this is jumpy fault ? or it is more render/conf thing ?
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Re: Jumpy Plugin (26 February 2016)

Post by infidel »

sapsa wrote:You mention about 'some fooling' at addon side.
The main bit of addon foolery is that jumpy can't control playback and has no idea as to playback state (e.g. whether it completed or was partial, etc), so it doesn't pass back any 'real' playback info to the addon. Internally in jumpy-xbmc Player.play() just calls xbmcplugin.setResolvedUrl(), and then just pretends to play the url for one second and then pretends to stop, just to keep the addon code happy (in case it matters to it).

sapsa wrote:I would like to 'tweak' plugin so jumpy will like it more and use proper data and make this once again work.
Maybe I'm misunderstanding, but after the 'import os' change nakamori should "once again" be working (at least to the same extent as it ever did before in jumpy). If there are other issues it would help to post "logs" (it's easy, just one button press in the UMS gui ;)) showing navigation within nakamori so I can see what's not happening right for you. Ordinarily I would just test the addon myself, but in this case since I don't have JMMServer or even an anime collection I can't easily run nakamori and it would be simpler to browse your logs :).

One thing I did notice is that nakomori is setting its ListItem durations as 'TotalTime'

Code: Select all

liz.setProperty('TotalTime', str(extraData.get('duration')))
whereas jumpy is trying to read the 'Duration' key (per ListItem definition in kodi wiki).

sapsa wrote:In 'jumpy' documentation there is section about pms/ums.conf that state that xbmc.main.path in config file should point to kodi binary folder. Even with that option present the log file says different path.
Thx, I know what the docs say (I wrote them :)). All I can tell you is that I just tested changing xbmc.main.path in Windows again for your sake, and it works for me. Possibly something is different in your setup, and possibly "logs" ;) might shed some light on the issue you're having.
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