Renderers with features similar to Playstation

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Renderers with features similar to Playstation

Post by abyss8754 »

Hello, I've been using my PS3 as my renderer since it released. It died and I have been buying used PS3's. Given it's age are there any other renderers that have similar features, specifically the 'Go To' and 'Frame Advance' features are the ones I use the most. Buy a PS5 would be a last resort, I haven't played console games in over a decade and that would be a lot just for a renderer.

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Re: Renderers with features similar to Playstation

Post by mik_s »

If you want a better media player for your PS3 and are not put off with jail-breaking and installing a custom firmware, you could try Movian. It can play just about anything and has support for multiple subs and audio tracks. It also can get metadata and subs online similar what the UMS web interface can do.

There is 2 big downsides though. It can play most things but the CPU in the PS3 is not up to the task of playing things like h265 at full speed so have to be transcoded first.

The second problem is Movian doesn't handle transcoded video from UMS well, it will play but won't be able to jump to another time. trying to FF will start the video from the beginning.

I don't think there is a media player for PS5 (if you can even get one) but the PS4 does and although it doesn't have much support for newer formats it can handle transcoded videos well.

Your best bet is to to get a dedicated media player, maybe something like a Kodi box. You can even use a Raspberry PI running the Kodi (or even Movian) software so shouldn't cost much to get set up.

BTW if your PS3 has the YLOD, it probably can be fixed if you are not afraid of a little soldering. The NEC/TOKIN capacitors usually fail and replacing some can be enough to get it working again.
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Re: Renderers with features similar to Playstation

Post by abyss8754 »

It had the YLOD but went RLOD not long after. I have replaced it with 2 PS3 slims. I have no problem getting a newer renderer or media player like a kodi box but only if they have the ability to jump to the designated time in the video file like the playstations Go To function. Fast forward and reverse are not nearly as effective. If there are none, I guess I'll have to keep stockpiling playstations.

Thanks for the advice.
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Re: Renderers with features similar to Playstation

Post by SubJunk »

My Panasonic TV has the seek functionality, so I can recommend those. Specifically it is the VT60 but they don't make them anymore.
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