Java 8 Prompts for Incoming Network Connections

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Re: Java 8 Prompts for Incoming Network Connections

Post by Optimus_prime »

So to try and answer your questions:
I am Java 8 so as to also track down the access permission and port issues.
So what Netbeans is building when you do "build" is the Java 6 version as it's the default. You should also always do a "Build with Dependencies" when building.
No - I launched directly from:
So could you post the full output from the Netbeans Build section i need to see whats going on
- if I save aside my modified files, do I just copy them back after a clean source download?
Yes thats one way of doing it (or commit them to a new branch listed below as that saves them for future times)
- does NB automagically sync from the backing tree in realtime?
if you mean direct from UMS's git then no. To grab stuff direct always do the following from the wiki: ... #build-ums
and to checkout different branches you can also
1. right click on project
2. git
3. checkout
4. checkout revision
5. select "select"
6. pick the revision you want to build

To build the latest OSX version it should be in OSX-Java8
- how do you merge in changes from the backing tree?
i would do the above checkout branch procedure but before step 5 check the box "checkout as new revision" and that will create your own so you can modify locally to your hearts content. Don't worry as you don't have UMS Git write access nothing changes in the UMS repo, only your own. Plus starting a new brach makes it easy to start another if you stuff things up. Then to keep the changes commit to the newly created branch and code you want.
- do you build from inside NB or CLI (command prompt)?
I always build from my own repo in netbeans with a:
1. Clean
2. Build with dependencies

So in short here are the differences between the way i compile UMS for 6 (no changes to whats in the current UMS repo, master) and 7/8 in my own UMS Repo here: ... 7_8_update

The changes can be compared here: ... 7_8_update

Also i'll post a link to the file you need to launch java 7/8 versions ... iwU95MLUXl
it must be place in the following directory in the UMS tree

Any more questions please ask, hope all this makes sense
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Re: Java 8 Prompts for Incoming Network Connections

Post by michaelt »

So what Netbeans is building when you do "build" is the Java 6 version as it's the default.
I think I am J8:
Screen Shot 2015-04-27 at 7.13.47 AM.png
Screen Shot 2015-04-27 at 7.13.47 AM.png (7.12 KiB) Viewed 12711 times
So could you post the full output from the Netbeans Build section i need to see whats going on

Code: Select all

cd /Users/umsmkv/UMS_J8/universalmediaserver; JAVA_HOME=/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_45.jdk/Contents/Home "/Applications/NetBeans/NetBeans" -Posx install
Scanning for projects...
Building Universal Media Server 5.1.3

--- maven-external-dependency-plugin:0.5:resolve-external (resolve-install-external-dependencies) @ ums ---
starting to resolve external dependencies
attempting to resolve external artifact: sevenzip:jbinding:4.65-1.04-RC:jar
external artifact resolved in existing repository; no download needed: sevenzip:jbinding:4.65-1.04-RC:jar
attempting to resolve external artifact: sevenzip-allplatforms:jbinding-allplatforms:4.65-1.04-RC:jar
external artifact resolved in existing repository; no download needed: sevenzip-allplatforms:jbinding-allplatforms:4.65-1.04-RC:jar
attempting to resolve external artifact: jwbroek.cuelib:cuelib:1.2.1-2008-06-13:jar
external artifact resolved in existing repository; no download needed: jwbroek.cuelib:cuelib:1.2.1-2008-06-13:jar
attempting to resolve external artifact: mediautil:mediautil:1.0:jar
external artifact resolved in existing repository; no download needed: mediautil:mediautil:1.0:jar
finished resolving all external dependencies

--- maven-external-dependency-plugin:0.5:install-external (resolve-install-external-dependencies) @ ums ---
starting to install external dependencies into local repository
resolving artifact for installation: sevenzip:jbinding:4.65-1.04-RC:jar
this aritifact already exists in the local repository; no download is needed: sevenzip:jbinding:4.65-1.04-RC:jar
resolving artifact for installation: sevenzip-allplatforms:jbinding-allplatforms:4.65-1.04-RC:jar
this aritifact already exists in the local repository; no download is needed: sevenzip-allplatforms:jbinding-allplatforms:4.65-1.04-RC:jar
resolving artifact for installation: jwbroek.cuelib:cuelib:1.2.1-2008-06-13:jar
this aritifact already exists in the local repository; no download is needed: jwbroek.cuelib:cuelib:1.2.1-2008-06-13:jar
resolving artifact for installation: mediautil:mediautil:1.0:jar
this aritifact already exists in the local repository; no download is needed: mediautil:mediautil:1.0:jar
finished installing all external dependencies into local repository

--- git-commit-id-plugin:2.1.13:revision (default) @ ums ---

--- maven-resources-plugin:2.5:resources (default-resources) @ ums ---
[debug] execute contextualize
Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
Copying 228 resources to resources
Copying 1 resource to resources
Copying 1 resource to ..

--- maven-compiler-plugin:3.2:compile (default-compile) @ ums ---
Nothing to compile - all classes are up to date

--- maven-resources-plugin:2.5:testResources (default-testResources) @ ums ---
[debug] execute contextualize
Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
Copying 1 resource to resources
Copying 12 resources to net/pms/util

--- maven-compiler-plugin:3.2:testCompile (default-testCompile) @ ums ---
Nothing to compile - all classes are up to date

--- maven-surefire-plugin:2.18:test (default-test) @ ums ---
Surefire report directory: /Users/umsmkv/UMS_J8/universalmediaserver/target/surefire-reports

 T E S T S
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: ignoring option UseSplitVerifier; support was removed in 8.0
Running net.pms.configuration.RendererConfigurationTest
Tests run: 3, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 1.11 sec - in net.pms.configuration.RendererConfigurationTest
Running net.pms.dlna.DLNAMediaAudioTest
Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.001 sec - in net.pms.dlna.DLNAMediaAudioTest
Running net.pms.dlna.DLNAMediaSubtitleTest
Tests run: 8, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.135 sec - in net.pms.dlna.DLNAMediaSubtitleTest
Running net.pms.dlna.LibMediaInfoParserTest
Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.015 sec - in net.pms.dlna.LibMediaInfoParserTest
Running net.pms.formats.v2.AudioAttributeTest
Tests run: 5, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0 sec - in net.pms.formats.v2.AudioAttributeTest
Running net.pms.formats.v2.AudioPropertiesTest
Tests run: 13, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.015 sec - in net.pms.formats.v2.AudioPropertiesTest
Running net.pms.formats.v2.SubtitleTypeTest
Tests run: 17, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.014 sec - in net.pms.formats.v2.SubtitleTypeTest
Running net.pms.formats.v2.SubtitleUtilsTest
Tests run: 5, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.034 sec - in net.pms.formats.v2.SubtitleUtilsTest
Running net.pms.test.formats.FormatFactoryTest
Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.01 sec - in net.pms.test.formats.FormatFactoryTest
Running net.pms.test.formats.FormatRecognitionTest
Tests run: 9, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.755 sec - in net.pms.test.formats.FormatRecognitionTest
Running net.pms.test.formats.FormatTest
Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.001 sec - in net.pms.test.formats.FormatTest
Running net.pms.test.Iso639Test
Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.007 sec - in net.pms.test.Iso639Test
Running net.pms.test.TaskRunnerTest
Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 1.005 sec - in net.pms.test.TaskRunnerTest
Running net.pms.util.FileUtilTest
Tests run: 27, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.041 sec - in net.pms.util.FileUtilTest
Running net.pms.util.PlayerUtilTest
Tests run: 9, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.025 sec - in net.pms.util.PlayerUtilTest
Running net.pms.util.VersionTest
Tests run: 10, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.009 sec - in net.pms.util.VersionTest

Results :

Tests run: 117, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0

--- maven-antrun-plugin:1.7:run (process-resources-osx) @ ums ---
Executing tasks

      [get] Getting:
      [get] To: /Users/umsmkv/UMS_J8/universalmediaserver/target/bin/osx/dcraw
      [get] Not modified - so not downloaded
      [get] Getting:
      [get] To: /Users/umsmkv/UMS_J8/universalmediaserver/target/bin/osx/ffmpeg
      [get] Not modified - so not downloaded
      [get] Getting:
      [get] To: /Users/umsmkv/UMS_J8/universalmediaserver/target/bin/osx/flac
      [get] Not modified - so not downloaded
      [get] Getting:
      [get] To: /Users/umsmkv/UMS_J8/universalmediaserver/target/bin/libmediainfo.dylib
      [get] Not modified - so not downloaded
      [get] Getting:
      [get] To: /Users/umsmkv/UMS_J8/universalmediaserver/target/bin/MediaInfo-License.html
      [get] Not modified - so not downloaded
      [get] Getting:
      [get] To: /Users/umsmkv/UMS_J8/universalmediaserver/target/bin/osx/mencoder
      [get] Not modified - so not downloaded
      [get] Getting:
      [get] To: /Users/umsmkv/UMS_J8/universalmediaserver/target/bin/osx/mplayer
      [get] Not modified - so not downloaded
      [get] Getting:
      [get] To: /Users/umsmkv/UMS_J8/universalmediaserver/target/bin/osx/tsMuxeR
      [get] Not modified - so not downloaded
      [get] Getting:
      [get] To: /Users/umsmkv/UMS_J8/universalmediaserver/target/bin/osx/tsMuxeR-new
      [get] Not modified - so not downloaded
Executed tasks

--- maven-antrun-plugin:1.7:run (prepare-package-osx) @ ums ---
Executing tasks

Executed tasks

--- maven-jar-plugin:2.3.2:jar (default-jar) @ ums ---
Building jar: /Users/umsmkv/UMS_J8/universalmediaserver/target/ums-5.1.3.jar

--- maven-assembly-plugin:2.4:single (make-jar-with-dependencies-osx) @ ums ---
Reading assembly descriptor: /Users/umsmkv/UMS_J8/universalmediaserver/src/main/assembly/jar-with-dependencies.xml
Adding org.apache.maven.scm.provider.ScmProvidersvn
Building jar: /Users/umsmkv/UMS_J8/universalmediaserver/target/ums-5.1.3-jar-with-dependencies.jar
Component: org.apache.maven.scm.provider.ScmProvidersvn is already defined. Skipping.

--- maven-assembly-plugin:2.4:single (make-assembly-osx) @ ums ---
Reading assembly descriptor: /Users/umsmkv/UMS_J8/universalmediaserver/src/main/assembly/assembly-osx.xml
Copying files to /Users/umsmkv/UMS_J8/universalmediaserver/target/ums-5.1.3-distribution
Assembly file: /Users/umsmkv/UMS_J8/universalmediaserver/target/ums-5.1.3-distribution is not a regular file (it may be a directory). It cannot be attached to the project build for installation or deployment.

--- osxappbundle-maven-plugin:1.0-alpha-2:bundle (default) @ ums ---
Setting property: classpath.resource.loader.class => 'org.apache.velocity.runtime.resource.loader.ClasspathResourceLoader'.
Setting property: file.resource.loader.class => 'org.apache.velocity.runtime.resource.loader.FileResourceLoader'.
Setting property: file.resource.loader.path => ''.
Setting property: resource.loader => 'file,classpath'.
org.apache.velocity.runtime.exception.ReferenceException: reference : template = /Users/umsmkv/UMS_J8/universalmediaserver/src/main/external-resources/osx/Info.plist-template.xml [line 35,column 33] : $APP_PACKAGE is not a valid reference.
org.apache.velocity.runtime.exception.ReferenceException: reference : template = /Users/umsmkv/UMS_J8/universalmediaserver/src/main/external-resources/osx/Info.plist-template.xml [line 35,column 33] : $APP_PACKAGE is not a valid reference.
Building zip: /Users/umsmkv/UMS_J8/universalmediaserver/target/

--- maven-install-plugin:2.3.1:install (default-install) @ ums ---
Installing /Users/umsmkv/UMS_J8/universalmediaserver/target/ums-5.1.3.jar to /Users/umsmkv/.m2/repository/net/pms/ums/5.1.3/ums-5.1.3.jar
Installing /Users/umsmkv/UMS_J8/universalmediaserver/pom.xml to /Users/umsmkv/.m2/repository/net/pms/ums/5.1.3/ums-5.1.3.pom
Installing /Users/umsmkv/UMS_J8/universalmediaserver/target/ums-5.1.3-jar-with-dependencies.jar to /Users/umsmkv/.m2/repository/net/pms/ums/5.1.3/ums-5.1.3-jar-with-dependencies.jar
Installing /Users/umsmkv/UMS_J8/universalmediaserver/target/ to /Users/umsmkv/.m2/repository/net/pms/ums/5.1.3/
Total time: 27.142s
Finished at: Mon Apr 27 07:38:30 EDT 2015
Final Memory: 49M/681M
Yes thats one way of doing it (or commit them to a new branch listed below as that saves them for future times)
- does NB automagically sync from the backing tree in realtime?
if you mean direct from UMS's git then no.
I understand the initial "grab" but this differs from the archive systems I have been using. See "fuzzy" below.
and to checkout different branches
Understood. I assume the Remote "origin/*" are the current work-in-progress (WIP) branches.
6. pick the revision you want to build
If I want OSX J8, which Branch:Tag? Remote->origin/OSX-Java8:5.1.2-OSX-Java8 ??
Maybe I'll deal with it later after I master the Build/Run.
i would do the above checkout branch procedure but before step 5 check the box "checkout as new revision" ...
As above: defer till later (but not much).

I am fuzzy with what we called "Update & Merge". It simply fetched new file revisions from the backing tree (current master branch), replaced unmodified files, then threw a three-way Merge to resolve my changes with the backing tree into the new modified file. (I am an Emacs 3-way Ediff hack)
Anything similar here or how do we do it?

In the wiki I see the CLI "git pull" to "Update to the latest source". What does it do about modified files?
In NB I assume Right Click on "Projects: Universal Media Server --> Git --> Remote --> Pull…" is the same.
I always build from my own repo in netbeans with a:
1. Clean
2. Build with dependencies
Good - it's what I am doing & like. Also "osx" is selected. Hate mixing IDE and CLI.
So in short here are the differences between the way i compile UMS for 6 (no changes to whats in the current UMS repo, master) and 7/8 in my own UMS Repo here: ... 7_8_update
are all these committed? I see a lot of files here but only three file diffs in the next.
Also i'll post a link to the file you need to launch java 7/8 versions ... iwU95MLUXl
!! no rights: can I grab it from the tree??

Code: Select all

You don't have permission to access /index.php/s/CBlY4iwU95MLUXl on this server.
it must be place in the following directory in the UMS tree
Will do when I get it.
Any more questions please ask, hope all this makes sense
There will be more but I think I am over the initial hump of a new environment. BTW I am impressed with the total integration of netbeans, tracking & resolving changes in realtime, explicit error/warning messages, flagging all the path levels, ... Really nice, especially when it stops crashing on me (don't leave it idle overnight or on a run to the village).

This was a bit lengthy but we closed a lot. Future posts will be much shorter. Thanx much for the guidance.
MacPro5,1 - 2.8 GHz, 32 GB, 20TB, OS X 10.11.6,
. . . . and a few others.
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Re: Java 8 Prompts for Incoming Network Connections

Post by Optimus_prime »

Try the link to that file in the post above again, it should work (Fixed the issue). I'll get back to you on some of things in your above post
How Ask For Support
Remember, Debug Log's Can/Will Help and Explain your issues, we're not mind reader's but here to help
OS's I Use And Can Assist With: Windows 7/8, Mac OS-X 10.8 & 10.9
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Re: Java 8 Prompts for Incoming Network Connections

Post by michaelt »

Got it - thank you for your continued help.

Copied it into the tree, did Clean + Build with Dep. Built clean but still no execute.
Both the netbeans build and CLI "mvn package -P osx" were the same.
Note - after launch the icon bounded in the dock for ~30-60 sec, then disappeared. No log in ~/Library/...
The build:

Code: Select all

Output first package run

: ____Elm universalmediaserver ; mvn package -P osx
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building Universal Media Server 5.1.3
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- maven-external-dependency-plugin:0.5:resolve-external (resolve-install-external-dependencies) @ ums ---
[INFO] starting to resolve external dependencies
[INFO] attempting to resolve external artifact: sevenzip:jbinding:4.65-1.04-RC:jar
[INFO] external artifact resolved in existing repository; no download needed: sevenzip:jbinding:4.65-1.04-RC:jar
[INFO] attempting to resolve external artifact: sevenzip-allplatforms:jbinding-allplatforms:4.65-1.04-RC:jar
[INFO] external artifact resolved in existing repository; no download needed: sevenzip-allplatforms:jbinding-allplatforms:4.65-1.04-RC:jar
[INFO] attempting to resolve external artifact: jwbroek.cuelib:cuelib:1.2.1-2008-06-13:jar
[INFO] external artifact resolved in existing repository; no download needed: jwbroek.cuelib:cuelib:1.2.1-2008-06-13:jar
[INFO] attempting to resolve external artifact: mediautil:mediautil:1.0:jar
[INFO] external artifact resolved in existing repository; no download needed: mediautil:mediautil:1.0:jar
[INFO] finished resolving all external dependencies
[INFO] --- maven-external-dependency-plugin:0.5:install-external (resolve-install-external-dependencies) @ ums ---
[INFO] starting to install external dependencies into local repository
[INFO] resolving artifact for installation: sevenzip:jbinding:4.65-1.04-RC:jar
[INFO] this aritifact already exists in the local repository; no download is needed: sevenzip:jbinding:4.65-1.04-RC:jar
[INFO] resolving artifact for installation: sevenzip-allplatforms:jbinding-allplatforms:4.65-1.04-RC:jar
[INFO] this aritifact already exists in the local repository; no download is needed: sevenzip-allplatforms:jbinding-allplatforms:4.65-1.04-RC:jar
[INFO] resolving artifact for installation: jwbroek.cuelib:cuelib:1.2.1-2008-06-13:jar
[INFO] this aritifact already exists in the local repository; no download is needed: jwbroek.cuelib:cuelib:1.2.1-2008-06-13:jar
[INFO] resolving artifact for installation: mediautil:mediautil:1.0:jar
[INFO] this aritifact already exists in the local repository; no download is needed: mediautil:mediautil:1.0:jar
[INFO] finished installing all external dependencies into local repository
[INFO] --- git-commit-id-plugin:2.1.13:revision (default) @ ums ---
[INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.6:resources (default-resources) @ ums ---
[INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
[INFO] Copying 228 resources to resources
[INFO] Copying 1 resource to resources
[INFO] Copying 1 resource to ..
[INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.2:compile (default-compile) @ ums ---
[INFO] Changes detected - recompiling the module!
[INFO] Compiling 263 source files to /Users/umsmkv/UMS_J8/universalmediaserver/target/classes
[INFO] /Users/umsmkv/UMS_J8/universalmediaserver/src/main/java/net/pms/dlna/ Some input files use or override a deprecated API.
[INFO] /Users/umsmkv/UMS_J8/universalmediaserver/src/main/java/net/pms/dlna/ Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
[INFO] /Users/umsmkv/UMS_J8/universalmediaserver/src/main/java/net/pms/network/ Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations.
[INFO] /Users/umsmkv/UMS_J8/universalmediaserver/src/main/java/net/pms/network/ Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
[INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.6:testResources (default-testResources) @ ums ---
[INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
[INFO] Copying 1 resource to resources
[INFO] Copying 12 resources to net/pms/util
[INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.2:testCompile (default-testCompile) @ ums ---
[INFO] Nothing to compile - all classes are up to date
[INFO] --- maven-surefire-plugin:2.18:test (default-test) @ ums ---
[INFO] Surefire report directory: /Users/umsmkv/UMS_J8/universalmediaserver/target/surefire-reports

 T E S T S
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: ignoring option UseSplitVerifier; support was removed in 8.0
Running net.pms.configuration.RendererConfigurationTest
Tests run: 3, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 1.101 sec - in net.pms.configuration.RendererConfigurationTest
Running net.pms.dlna.DLNAMediaAudioTest
Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0 sec - in net.pms.dlna.DLNAMediaAudioTest
Running net.pms.dlna.DLNAMediaSubtitleTest
Tests run: 8, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.115 sec - in net.pms.dlna.DLNAMediaSubtitleTest
Running net.pms.dlna.LibMediaInfoParserTest
Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.01 sec - in net.pms.dlna.LibMediaInfoParserTest
Running net.pms.formats.v2.AudioAttributeTest
Tests run: 5, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.002 sec - in net.pms.formats.v2.AudioAttributeTest
Running net.pms.formats.v2.AudioPropertiesTest
Tests run: 13, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.006 sec - in net.pms.formats.v2.AudioPropertiesTest
Running net.pms.formats.v2.SubtitleTypeTest
Tests run: 17, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.009 sec - in net.pms.formats.v2.SubtitleTypeTest
Running net.pms.formats.v2.SubtitleUtilsTest
Tests run: 5, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.022 sec - in net.pms.formats.v2.SubtitleUtilsTest
Running net.pms.test.formats.FormatFactoryTest
Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0 sec - in net.pms.test.formats.FormatFactoryTest
Running net.pms.test.formats.FormatRecognitionTest
Tests run: 9, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.729 sec - in net.pms.test.formats.FormatRecognitionTest
Running net.pms.test.formats.FormatTest
Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.001 sec - in net.pms.test.formats.FormatTest
Running net.pms.test.Iso639Test
Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.007 sec - in net.pms.test.Iso639Test
Running net.pms.test.TaskRunnerTest
Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 1.006 sec - in net.pms.test.TaskRunnerTest
Running net.pms.util.FileUtilTest
Tests run: 27, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.043 sec - in net.pms.util.FileUtilTest
Running net.pms.util.PlayerUtilTest
Tests run: 9, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.028 sec - in net.pms.util.PlayerUtilTest
Running net.pms.util.VersionTest
Tests run: 10, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.007 sec - in net.pms.util.VersionTest

Results :

Tests run: 117, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0

[INFO] --- maven-antrun-plugin:1.7:run (process-resources-osx) @ ums ---
[INFO] Executing tasks

      [get] Getting:
      [get] To: /Users/umsmkv/UMS_J8/universalmediaserver/target/bin/osx/dcraw
      [get] Not modified - so not downloaded
      [get] Getting:
      [get] To: /Users/umsmkv/UMS_J8/universalmediaserver/target/bin/osx/ffmpeg
      [get] Not modified - so not downloaded
      [get] Getting:
      [get] To: /Users/umsmkv/UMS_J8/universalmediaserver/target/bin/osx/flac
      [get] Not modified - so not downloaded
      [get] Getting:
      [get] To: /Users/umsmkv/UMS_J8/universalmediaserver/target/bin/libmediainfo.dylib
      [get] Not modified - so not downloaded
      [get] Getting:
      [get] To: /Users/umsmkv/UMS_J8/universalmediaserver/target/bin/MediaInfo-License.html
      [get] Not modified - so not downloaded
      [get] Getting:
      [get] To: /Users/umsmkv/UMS_J8/universalmediaserver/target/bin/osx/mencoder
      [get] Not modified - so not downloaded
      [get] Getting:
      [get] To: /Users/umsmkv/UMS_J8/universalmediaserver/target/bin/osx/mplayer
      [get] Not modified - so not downloaded
      [get] Getting:
      [get] To: /Users/umsmkv/UMS_J8/universalmediaserver/target/bin/osx/tsMuxeR
      [get] Not modified - so not downloaded
      [get] Getting:
      [get] To: /Users/umsmkv/UMS_J8/universalmediaserver/target/bin/osx/tsMuxeR-new
      [get] Not modified - so not downloaded
[INFO] Executed tasks
[INFO] --- maven-antrun-plugin:1.7:run (prepare-package-osx) @ ums ---
[INFO] Executing tasks

[INFO] Executed tasks
[INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:2.4:jar (default-jar) @ ums ---
[INFO] Building jar: /Users/umsmkv/UMS_J8/universalmediaserver/target/ums-5.1.3.jar
[INFO] --- maven-assembly-plugin:2.4:single (make-jar-with-dependencies-osx) @ ums ---
[INFO] Reading assembly descriptor: /Users/umsmkv/UMS_J8/universalmediaserver/src/main/assembly/jar-with-dependencies.xml
Adding org.apache.maven.scm.provider.ScmProvidersvn
[INFO] Building jar: /Users/umsmkv/UMS_J8/universalmediaserver/target/ums-5.1.3-jar-with-dependencies.jar
Component: org.apache.maven.scm.provider.ScmProvidersvn is already defined. Skipping.
[INFO] --- maven-assembly-plugin:2.4:single (make-assembly-osx) @ ums ---
[INFO] Reading assembly descriptor: /Users/umsmkv/UMS_J8/universalmediaserver/src/main/assembly/assembly-osx.xml
[INFO] Copying files to /Users/umsmkv/UMS_J8/universalmediaserver/target/ums-5.1.3-distribution
[WARNING] Assembly file: /Users/umsmkv/UMS_J8/universalmediaserver/target/ums-5.1.3-distribution is not a regular file (it may be a directory). It cannot be attached to the project build for installation or deployment.
[INFO] --- osxappbundle-maven-plugin:1.0-alpha-2:bundle (default) @ ums ---
[INFO] Setting property: classpath.resource.loader.class => 'org.apache.velocity.runtime.resource.loader.ClasspathResourceLoader'.
[INFO] Setting property: file.resource.loader.class => 'org.apache.velocity.runtime.resource.loader.FileResourceLoader'.
[INFO] Setting property: file.resource.loader.path => ''.
[INFO] Setting property: resource.loader => 'file,classpath'.
[WARNING] org.apache.velocity.runtime.exception.ReferenceException: reference : template = /Users/umsmkv/UMS_J8/universalmediaserver/src/main/external-resources/osx/Info.plist-template.xml [line 35,column 33] : $APP_PACKAGE is not a valid reference.
[WARNING] org.apache.velocity.runtime.exception.ReferenceException: reference : template = /Users/umsmkv/UMS_J8/universalmediaserver/src/main/external-resources/osx/Info.plist-template.xml [line 35,column 33] : $APP_PACKAGE is not a valid reference.
[INFO] Building zip: /Users/umsmkv/UMS_J8/universalmediaserver/target/
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 36.098 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2015-04-29T11:13:57-04:00
[INFO] Final Memory: 95M/1416M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
More research shows you have been fighting this issue for years.

Question: if you, me and others fail building/executing a useable Java7 & 8, who builds these versions for every release and how? Someone must know the process.

I am sticking with a clean tree, no changes until I get a virgin build to run.
Edit: new project from "master*": same - no execute, immediate exit

Code: Select all

cd /Users/umsmkv/UMS_J8_clean/ums_j8_clean; JAVA_HOME=/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_45.jdk/Contents/Home "/Applications/NetBeans/NetBeans" -Posx install
Scanning for projects...
Building ums_j8_clean 5.1.3

--- maven-external-dependency-plugin:0.5:resolve-external (resolve-install-external-dependencies) @ ums ---
starting to resolve external dependencies
attempting to resolve external artifact: sevenzip:jbinding:4.65-1.04-RC:jar
external artifact resolved in existing repository; no download needed: sevenzip:jbinding:4.65-1.04-RC:jar
attempting to resolve external artifact: sevenzip-allplatforms:jbinding-allplatforms:4.65-1.04-RC:jar
external artifact resolved in existing repository; no download needed: sevenzip-allplatforms:jbinding-allplatforms:4.65-1.04-RC:jar
attempting to resolve external artifact: jwbroek.cuelib:cuelib:1.2.1-2008-06-13:jar
external artifact resolved in existing repository; no download needed: jwbroek.cuelib:cuelib:1.2.1-2008-06-13:jar
attempting to resolve external artifact: mediautil:mediautil:1.0:jar
external artifact resolved in existing repository; no download needed: mediautil:mediautil:1.0:jar
finished resolving all external dependencies

--- maven-external-dependency-plugin:0.5:install-external (resolve-install-external-dependencies) @ ums ---
starting to install external dependencies into local repository
resolving artifact for installation: sevenzip:jbinding:4.65-1.04-RC:jar
this aritifact already exists in the local repository; no download is needed: sevenzip:jbinding:4.65-1.04-RC:jar
resolving artifact for installation: sevenzip-allplatforms:jbinding-allplatforms:4.65-1.04-RC:jar
this aritifact already exists in the local repository; no download is needed: sevenzip-allplatforms:jbinding-allplatforms:4.65-1.04-RC:jar
resolving artifact for installation: jwbroek.cuelib:cuelib:1.2.1-2008-06-13:jar
this aritifact already exists in the local repository; no download is needed: jwbroek.cuelib:cuelib:1.2.1-2008-06-13:jar
resolving artifact for installation: mediautil:mediautil:1.0:jar
this aritifact already exists in the local repository; no download is needed: mediautil:mediautil:1.0:jar
finished installing all external dependencies into local repository

--- git-commit-id-plugin:2.1.13:revision (default) @ ums ---

--- maven-resources-plugin:2.5:resources (default-resources) @ ums ---
[debug] execute contextualize
Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
Copying 228 resources to resources
Copying 1 resource to resources
Copying 1 resource to ..

--- maven-compiler-plugin:3.2:compile (default-compile) @ ums ---
Changes detected - recompiling the module!
Compiling 261 source files to /Users/umsmkv/UMS_J8_clean/ums_j8_clean/target/classes
/Users/umsmkv/UMS_J8_clean/ums_j8_clean/src/main/java/net/pms/dlna/ Some input files use or override a deprecated API.
/Users/umsmkv/UMS_J8_clean/ums_j8_clean/src/main/java/net/pms/dlna/ Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
/Users/umsmkv/UMS_J8_clean/ums_j8_clean/src/main/java/net/pms/network/ Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations.
/Users/umsmkv/UMS_J8_clean/ums_j8_clean/src/main/java/net/pms/network/ Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.

--- maven-resources-plugin:2.5:testResources (default-testResources) @ ums ---
[debug] execute contextualize
Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
Copying 1 resource to resources
Copying 12 resources to net/pms/util

--- maven-compiler-plugin:3.2:testCompile (default-testCompile) @ ums ---
Changes detected - recompiling the module!
Compiling 17 source files to /Users/umsmkv/UMS_J8_clean/ums_j8_clean/target/test-classes

--- maven-surefire-plugin:2.18:test (default-test) @ ums ---
Surefire report directory: /Users/umsmkv/UMS_J8_clean/ums_j8_clean/target/surefire-reports

 T E S T S
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: ignoring option UseSplitVerifier; support was removed in 8.0
Running net.pms.configuration.RendererConfigurationTest
Tests run: 3, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.871 sec - in net.pms.configuration.RendererConfigurationTest
Running net.pms.dlna.DLNAMediaAudioTest
Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0 sec - in net.pms.dlna.DLNAMediaAudioTest
Running net.pms.dlna.DLNAMediaSubtitleTest
Tests run: 8, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.096 sec - in net.pms.dlna.DLNAMediaSubtitleTest
Running net.pms.dlna.LibMediaInfoParserTest
Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.01 sec - in net.pms.dlna.LibMediaInfoParserTest
Running net.pms.formats.v2.AudioAttributeTest
Tests run: 5, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.002 sec - in net.pms.formats.v2.AudioAttributeTest
Running net.pms.formats.v2.AudioPropertiesTest
Tests run: 13, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.007 sec - in net.pms.formats.v2.AudioPropertiesTest
Running net.pms.formats.v2.SubtitleTypeTest
Tests run: 17, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.007 sec - in net.pms.formats.v2.SubtitleTypeTest
Running net.pms.formats.v2.SubtitleUtilsTest
Tests run: 5, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.017 sec - in net.pms.formats.v2.SubtitleUtilsTest
Running net.pms.test.formats.FormatFactoryTest
Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.01 sec - in net.pms.test.formats.FormatFactoryTest
Running net.pms.test.formats.FormatRecognitionTest
Tests run: 9, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 9, Time elapsed: 0.651 sec - in net.pms.test.formats.FormatRecognitionTest
Running net.pms.test.formats.FormatTest
Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0 sec - in net.pms.test.formats.FormatTest
Running net.pms.test.Iso639Test
Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.005 sec - in net.pms.test.Iso639Test
Running net.pms.test.TaskRunnerTest
Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 1.004 sec - in net.pms.test.TaskRunnerTest
Running net.pms.util.FileUtilTest
Tests run: 27, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.043 sec - in net.pms.util.FileUtilTest
Running net.pms.util.PlayerUtilTest
Tests run: 9, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.029 sec - in net.pms.util.PlayerUtilTest
Running net.pms.util.VersionTest
Tests run: 10, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.006 sec - in net.pms.util.VersionTest

Results :

Tests run: 117, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 9

--- maven-antrun-plugin:1.7:run (process-resources-osx) @ ums ---
Executing tasks

    [mkdir] Created dir: /Users/umsmkv/UMS_J8_clean/ums_j8_clean/target/bin
    [mkdir] Created dir: /Users/umsmkv/UMS_J8_clean/ums_j8_clean/target/bin/osx
      [get] Getting:
      [get] To: /Users/umsmkv/UMS_J8_clean/ums_j8_clean/target/bin/osx/dcraw
      [get] Getting:
      [get] To: /Users/umsmkv/UMS_J8_clean/ums_j8_clean/target/bin/osx/ffmpeg
      [get] Getting:
      [get] To: /Users/umsmkv/UMS_J8_clean/ums_j8_clean/target/bin/osx/flac
      [get] Getting:
      [get] To: /Users/umsmkv/UMS_J8_clean/ums_j8_clean/target/bin/libmediainfo.dylib
      [get] Getting:
      [get] To: /Users/umsmkv/UMS_J8_clean/ums_j8_clean/target/bin/MediaInfo-License.html
      [get] Getting:
      [get] To: /Users/umsmkv/UMS_J8_clean/ums_j8_clean/target/bin/osx/mencoder
      [get] Getting:
      [get] To: /Users/umsmkv/UMS_J8_clean/ums_j8_clean/target/bin/osx/mplayer
      [get] Getting:
      [get] To: /Users/umsmkv/UMS_J8_clean/ums_j8_clean/target/bin/osx/tsMuxeR
      [get] Getting:
      [get] To: /Users/umsmkv/UMS_J8_clean/ums_j8_clean/target/bin/osx/tsMuxeR-new
     [copy] Copying 1 file to /Users/umsmkv/UMS_J8_clean/ums_j8_clean
     [copy] Copying 1 file to /Users/umsmkv/UMS_J8_clean/ums_j8_clean
Executed tasks

--- maven-antrun-plugin:1.7:run (prepare-package-osx) @ ums ---
Executing tasks

    [mkdir] Created dir: /Users/umsmkv/UMS_J8_clean/ums_j8_clean/target/ums-5.1.3-distribution
Executed tasks

--- maven-jar-plugin:2.3.2:jar (default-jar) @ ums ---
Building jar: /Users/umsmkv/UMS_J8_clean/ums_j8_clean/target/ums-5.1.3.jar

--- maven-assembly-plugin:2.4:single (make-jar-with-dependencies-osx) @ ums ---
Reading assembly descriptor: /Users/umsmkv/UMS_J8_clean/ums_j8_clean/src/main/assembly/jar-with-dependencies.xml
Adding org.apache.maven.scm.provider.ScmProvidersvn
Building jar: /Users/umsmkv/UMS_J8_clean/ums_j8_clean/target/ums-5.1.3-jar-with-dependencies.jar
Component: org.apache.maven.scm.provider.ScmProvidersvn is already defined. Skipping.

--- maven-assembly-plugin:2.4:single (make-assembly-osx) @ ums ---
Reading assembly descriptor: /Users/umsmkv/UMS_J8_clean/ums_j8_clean/src/main/assembly/assembly-osx.xml
Copying files to /Users/umsmkv/UMS_J8_clean/ums_j8_clean/target/ums-5.1.3-distribution
Assembly file: /Users/umsmkv/UMS_J8_clean/ums_j8_clean/target/ums-5.1.3-distribution is not a regular file (it may be a directory). It cannot be attached to the project build for installation or deployment.

--- osxappbundle-maven-plugin:1.0-alpha-2:bundle (default) @ ums ---
Setting property: classpath.resource.loader.class => 'org.apache.velocity.runtime.resource.loader.ClasspathResourceLoader'.
Setting property: file.resource.loader.class => 'org.apache.velocity.runtime.resource.loader.FileResourceLoader'.
Setting property: file.resource.loader.path => ''.
Setting property: resource.loader => 'file,classpath'.
org.apache.velocity.runtime.exception.ReferenceException: reference : template = /Users/umsmkv/UMS_J8_clean/ums_j8_clean/src/main/external-resources/osx/Info.plist-template.xml [line 35,column 33] : $APP_PACKAGE is not a valid reference.
org.apache.velocity.runtime.exception.ReferenceException: reference : template = /Users/umsmkv/UMS_J8_clean/ums_j8_clean/src/main/external-resources/osx/Info.plist-template.xml [line 35,column 33] : $APP_PACKAGE is not a valid reference.
Building zip: /Users/umsmkv/UMS_J8_clean/ums_j8_clean/target/

--- maven-install-plugin:2.3.1:install (default-install) @ ums ---
Installing /Users/umsmkv/UMS_J8_clean/ums_j8_clean/target/ums-5.1.3.jar to /Users/umsmkv/.m2/repository/net/pms/ums/5.1.3/ums-5.1.3.jar
Installing /Users/umsmkv/UMS_J8_clean/ums_j8_clean/pom.xml to /Users/umsmkv/.m2/repository/net/pms/ums/5.1.3/ums-5.1.3.pom
Installing /Users/umsmkv/UMS_J8_clean/ums_j8_clean/target/ums-5.1.3-jar-with-dependencies.jar to /Users/umsmkv/.m2/repository/net/pms/ums/5.1.3/ums-5.1.3-jar-with-dependencies.jar
Installing /Users/umsmkv/UMS_J8_clean/ums_j8_clean/target/ to /Users/umsmkv/.m2/repository/net/pms/ums/5.1.3/
Total time: 2:49.870s
Finished at: Wed Apr 29 17:12:04 EDT 2015
Final Memory: 63M/867M
Last: exactly what branch(s) should I be using - could not find anything posted about it.


Code: Select all

: ____Elm ums ; mvn --version
Apache Maven 3.2.5 (12a6b3acb947671f09b81f49094c53f426d8cea1; 2014-12-14T12:29:23-05:00)
Maven home: /usr/local/apache-maven-3.2.5
Java version: 1.8.0_45, vendor: Oracle Corporation
Java home: /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_45.jdk/Contents/Home/jre
Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: utf-8
OS name: "mac os x", version: "10.7.5", arch: "x86_64", family: "mac"
MacPro5,1 - 2.8 GHz, 32 GB, 20TB, OS X 10.11.6,
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Re: Java 8 Prompts for Incoming Network Connections

Post by Optimus_prime »

So i build all the OSX releases for UMS since about 2012/13, so i know all the issues. Thats why i built a custom (really modified from the java app launcher for java 7/8) app launcher for java 7/8. So i know the pain in building these releases.
I'll read your build logs a bit and see where it's going wrong for you, hope have an answer for you today or tomorrow.

Edit: you should checkout the OSX-Java8 branch as that will have the latest code for the last build. or your should be able to run master as it's all in Java 8. I'll post a succesfull log of my own soo and show you the diff.
I think you haven't set everything up right. It took me about 3 days to build my first OSX-java 7 build, and thats was many hours of work to get it right. keep up the good work mate
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Re: Java 8 Prompts for Incoming Network Connections

Post by michaelt »

Optimus_prime wrote:you should checkout the OSX-Java8 branch as that will have the latest code for the last build. or your should be able to run master as it's all in Java 8.
OK - I have the master so I'll now grab the OSX-Java8 branch.
I'll post a succesfull log of my own soo and show you the diff.
That works!
I think you haven't set everything up right.
I would not beth against it. Most problems are simple solutions.
It took me about 3 days to build my first OSX-java 7 build, and thats was many hours of work to get it right. keep up the good work mate
This is the first time I have seen any of this but I don't give up. We will get there.
MacPro5,1 - 2.8 GHz, 32 GB, 20TB, OS X 10.11.6,
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Re: Java 8 Prompts for Incoming Network Connections

Post by michaelt »

michaelt wrote:
Optimus_prime wrote:you should checkout the OSX-Java8 branch as that will have the latest code for the last build. or your should be able to run master as it's all in Java 8.
OK - I have the master so I'll now grab the OSX-Java8 branch.
Got it - built it - same: no execute.

Diff: I changed the paths so they are the same and don't report. The remaining of the 'diffs' are times and the build #.
Here are the main two differences - note: I did not 'Set Configuration=osx' for the 'master' build.
Screen Shot 2015-04-29 at 7.42.19 PM.png
Screen Shot 2015-04-29 at 7.42.19 PM.png (46.25 KiB) Viewed 12687 times
Screen Shot 2015-04-29 at 7.43.14 PM.png
Screen Shot 2015-04-29 at 7.43.14 PM.png (103.42 KiB) Viewed 12687 times
Edit: The only 'significant' difference I see is OSX-Java8 compiles DLNAMediaInfo and master compiles DLNAResource.
Does it matter?
I did a 'Clean' + 'Build with Deps' and got the same results.
MacPro5,1 - 2.8 GHz, 32 GB, 20TB, OS X 10.11.6,
. . . . and a few others.
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Re: Java 8 Prompts for Incoming Network Connections

Post by michaelt »

Got hit with a glitch which stopped all progress. I'll pm you some details later.

Sending this to be sure I am on the same page, line and words as you.

Reloaded/built everything. Went very smooth, both the unmodified & modified projects. Still won't launch.

The exact sequence of what I am doing is:
- CLI environment:
  • JAVA_HOME=/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_45.jdk/Contents/Home
I have no idea what this is:
- Download the UMS source code
  • NetBeans:
    • Team->Git->Clone…
      • Remote Repositories:
        • URL: {git://}
        Remote Branches:
        • Select: ‘OSX-Java8’
          UnSelect: ‘master*’
        Destination Directory:
        • Parent Directory: ~/UMS_J8
          Clone Name: ums_OSX-Java8
    - CLI:
    • Code: Select all

      cd ~/UMS_J8/ums_OSX-Java8
      cp ~/Downloads/appbundler-1.0.UMS.jar ./src/main/external-resources/lib
      mvn com.savage7.maven.plugins:maven-external-dependency-plugin:resolve-external
      mvn com.savage7.maven.plugins:maven-external-dependency-plugin:install-external
    - Build
    • NetBeans: Project: Right Click Icon:
      • Set Configuration: {osx}
        Build with Dependencies
That's it.
MacPro5,1 - 2.8 GHz, 32 GB, 20TB, OS X 10.11.6,
. . . . and a few others.
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Re: Java 8 Prompts for Incoming Network Connections

Post by Optimus_prime »

Ok so i think we need to sort out why it's not building.

Here's my pom.xml it should match whats in yours from the following line and below (so it should replace everything under the build linux section so basically from the line "Mac OS Profile:" and below):

Code: Select all

                        Mac OSX Java 7 and 8 profile: takes care of building the final package for Mac OSX using Java 7 or 8

                                    Plugin to download binaries before assembly

                                                <!-- Make sure the binaries folder exists -->
                                                <mkdir dir="${project.binaries}" />
                                                <mkdir dir="${project.binaries}/osx" />

                                                <!-- Download binaries -->
                                                <get src="${project.binaries-base}/osx/dcraw" dest="${project.binaries}/osx/dcraw" usetimestamp="true" />
                                                <get src="${project.binaries-base}/osx/ffmpeg" dest="${project.binaries}/osx/ffmpeg" usetimestamp="true" />
                                                <get src="${project.binaries-base}/osx/flac" dest="${project.binaries}/osx/flac" usetimestamp="true" />
                                                <get src="${project.binaries-base}/osx/libmediainfo.dylib" dest="${project.binaries}/libmediainfo.dylib" usetimestamp="true" />
                                                <get src="${project.binaries-base}/MediaInfo-License.html" dest="${project.binaries}/MediaInfo-License.html" usetimestamp="true" />
                                                <get src="${project.binaries-base}/osx/mencoder" dest="${project.binaries}/osx/mencoder" usetimestamp="true" />
                                                <get src="${project.binaries-base}/osx/mplayer" dest="${project.binaries}/osx/mplayer" usetimestamp="true" />
                                                <get src="${project.binaries-base}/osx/tsMuxeR" dest="${project.binaries}/osx/tsMuxeR" usetimestamp="true" />
                                                <get src="${project.binaries-base}/osx/tsMuxeR-new" dest="${project.binaries}/osx/tsMuxeR-new" usetimestamp="true" />
                                                <!-- MediaInfo library needs to be in the standard library path to be found -->
                                                <copy file="${project.binaries}/libmediainfo.dylib" todir="${project.basedir}" />
                                                <copy file="${project.binaries}/MediaInfo-License.html" todir="${project.basedir}" />

                                                <!-- Make all downloaded binaries executable -->
                                                <chmod dir="${project.binaries}/osx" perm="a+x" includes="*" />
                                                <!-- Make sure the target folder exists -->
                                                <mkdir dir="${}/${}-distribution" />

                                                <!-- Create the shortcut to the Applications folder -->
                                                <exec executable="/usr/bin/osascript">
                                                    <arg value="-e" />
                                                    <arg value="tell application "Finder"" />
                                                    <arg value="-e" />
                                                    <arg value="set src to POSIX file "/Applications"" />
                                                    <arg value="-e" />
                                                    <arg value="set dest to POSIX file "${}/${}-distribution"" />
                                                    <arg value="-e" />
                                                    <arg value="make new alias file to folder src at folder dest" />
                                                    <arg value="-e" />
                                                    <arg value="end tell" />
                                        <id>package app</id>
                                                <taskdef name="bundleapp" classname=""
                                                <bundleapp outputdirectory="${}/${}-distribution"
                                                    <!--<runtime dir="/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.7.0_21.jdk/Contents/Home"/>-->
                                                    <classpath file="${}/${}-jar-with-dependencies.jar"/>
                                                    <option value="-Xmx768M"/>
                                                    <option value="-Xss16M"/>
                                                    <option value="-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8"/>
                                                    <option value=""/>
                                    <!-- Assemble a jar with dependencies -->
                                                    <addDefaultImplementationEntries>true</addDefaultImplementationEntries> <!-- see above for documentation -->
                                            Assemble the UMS files in the right place before 
                                            moving them to the app Bundle.                                          
                                                    <addDefaultImplementationEntries>true</addDefaultImplementationEntries> <!-- see above for documentation -->

			Hudson (windows-jar): minimal profile that builds pms.jar with the
			Windows JNA. The POSIX JNA causes snapshot builds to crash the JVM on
			Windows, whereas the Windows JNA only disables MediaInfo for Ubuntu
			users, who can still use ffmpeg.

			Another difference from the other profiles is that we don't download the
			binaries or build the tarball.

					<!-- Plugin to assemble a jar with dependencies -->
											<addDefaultImplementationEntries>true</addDefaultImplementationEntries> <!-- see above for documentation -->

						Use the antrun plugin to: copy the
						pms-x.x.x-jar-with-dependencies.jar to pms.jar
										<copy file="${project.basedir}/target/${project.artifactId}-${project.version}-jar-with-dependencies.jar"
										      tofile="${project.basedir}/target/pms.jar" overwrite="true" />


			This profile allows running PMS from inside Eclipse
			(Requires a "mvn clean package" to download the binaries first)
Make sure you note the line in the package app section "class path"

Code: Select all

Thats where the appbundler needs to be

Now here's an output of a build with dependencies:

Code: Select all

cd /Users/UMS/NetBeansProjects/UMS2/UniversalMediaServer; JAVA_HOME=/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0.jdk/Contents/Home "/Applications/NetBeans/NetBeans" install
Scanning for projects...
Building Universal Media Server 5.1.2


Downloaded: (548 B at 0.4 KB/sec)
Downloaded: (2 KB at 2.2 KB/sec)
The POM for org.slf4j:slf4j-api:jar:1.7.6 is invalid, transitive dependencies (if any) will not be available, enable debug logging for more details

--- maven-external-dependency-plugin:0.5:resolve-external (resolve-install-external-dependencies) @ ums ---
starting to resolve external dependencies
attempting to resolve external artifact: sevenzip:jbinding:4.65-1.04-RC:jar
external artifact resolved in existing repository; no download needed: sevenzip:jbinding:4.65-1.04-RC:jar
attempting to resolve external artifact: sevenzip-allplatforms:jbinding-allplatforms:4.65-1.04-RC:jar
external artifact resolved in existing repository; no download needed: sevenzip-allplatforms:jbinding-allplatforms:4.65-1.04-RC:jar
attempting to resolve external artifact: jwbroek.cuelib:cuelib:1.2.1-2008-06-13:jar
external artifact resolved in existing repository; no download needed: jwbroek.cuelib:cuelib:1.2.1-2008-06-13:jar
attempting to resolve external artifact: mediautil:mediautil:1.0:jar
external artifact resolved in existing repository; no download needed: mediautil:mediautil:1.0:jar
finished resolving all external dependencies

--- maven-external-dependency-plugin:0.5:install-external (resolve-install-external-dependencies) @ ums ---
starting to install external dependencies into local repository
resolving artifact for installation: sevenzip:jbinding:4.65-1.04-RC:jar
this aritifact already exists in the local repository; no download is needed: sevenzip:jbinding:4.65-1.04-RC:jar
resolving artifact for installation: sevenzip-allplatforms:jbinding-allplatforms:4.65-1.04-RC:jar
this aritifact already exists in the local repository; no download is needed: sevenzip-allplatforms:jbinding-allplatforms:4.65-1.04-RC:jar
resolving artifact for installation: jwbroek.cuelib:cuelib:1.2.1-2008-06-13:jar
this aritifact already exists in the local repository; no download is needed: jwbroek.cuelib:cuelib:1.2.1-2008-06-13:jar
resolving artifact for installation: mediautil:mediautil:1.0:jar
this aritifact already exists in the local repository; no download is needed: mediautil:mediautil:1.0:jar
finished installing all external dependencies into local repository

--- git-commit-id-plugin:2.1.13:revision (default) @ ums ---

--- maven-resources-plugin:2.5:resources (default-resources) @ ums ---
[debug] execute contextualize
Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
Copying 228 resources to resources
Copying 1 resource to resources
Copying 1 resource to ..

--- maven-compiler-plugin:3.2:compile (default-compile) @ ums ---
Nothing to compile - all classes are up to date

--- maven-resources-plugin:2.5:testResources (default-testResources) @ ums ---
[debug] execute contextualize
Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
Copying 1 resource to resources
Copying 12 resources to net/pms/util

--- maven-compiler-plugin:3.2:testCompile (default-testCompile) @ ums ---
Nothing to compile - all classes are up to date

--- maven-surefire-plugin:2.18:test (default-test) @ ums ---
Surefire report directory: /Users/UMS/NetBeansProjects/UMS2/UniversalMediaServer/target/surefire-reports

 T E S T S
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: ignoring option UseSplitVerifier; support was removed in 8.0
Running net.pms.configuration.RendererConfigurationTest
Tests run: 3, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 4.335 sec - in net.pms.configuration.RendererConfigurationTest
Running net.pms.dlna.DLNAMediaAudioTest
Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.06 sec - in net.pms.dlna.DLNAMediaAudioTest
Running net.pms.dlna.DLNAMediaSubtitleTest
Tests run: 8, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.258 sec - in net.pms.dlna.DLNAMediaSubtitleTest
Running net.pms.dlna.LibMediaInfoParserTest
Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.042 sec - in net.pms.dlna.LibMediaInfoParserTest
Running net.pms.formats.v2.AudioAttributeTest
Tests run: 5, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.011 sec - in net.pms.formats.v2.AudioAttributeTest
Running net.pms.formats.v2.AudioPropertiesTest
Tests run: 13, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.009 sec - in net.pms.formats.v2.AudioPropertiesTest
Running net.pms.formats.v2.SubtitleTypeTest
Tests run: 17, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.004 sec - in net.pms.formats.v2.SubtitleTypeTest
Running net.pms.formats.v2.SubtitleUtilsTest
Tests run: 5, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.029 sec - in net.pms.formats.v2.SubtitleUtilsTest
Running net.pms.test.formats.FormatFactoryTest
Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.033 sec - in net.pms.test.formats.FormatFactoryTest
Running net.pms.test.formats.FormatRecognitionTest
Tests run: 9, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.886 sec - in net.pms.test.formats.FormatRecognitionTest
Running net.pms.test.formats.FormatTest
Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0 sec - in net.pms.test.formats.FormatTest
Running net.pms.test.Iso639Test
Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.028 sec - in net.pms.test.Iso639Test
Running net.pms.test.TaskRunnerTest
Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 1.045 sec - in net.pms.test.TaskRunnerTest
Running net.pms.util.FileUtilTest
Tests run: 27, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.054 sec - in net.pms.util.FileUtilTest
Running net.pms.util.PlayerUtilTest
Tests run: 9, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.426 sec - in net.pms.util.PlayerUtilTest
Running net.pms.util.VersionTest
Tests run: 10, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.014 sec - in net.pms.util.VersionTest

Results :

Tests run: 117, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0

--- maven-antrun-plugin:1.7:run (process-resources-osx-java-7-8) @ ums ---
Executing tasks

      [get] Getting:
      [get] To: /Users/UMS/NetBeansProjects/UMS2/UniversalMediaServer/target/bin/osx/dcraw
      [get] Not modified - so not downloaded
      [get] Getting:
      [get] To: /Users/UMS/NetBeansProjects/UMS2/UniversalMediaServer/target/bin/osx/ffmpeg
      [get] Not modified - so not downloaded
      [get] Getting:
      [get] To: /Users/UMS/NetBeansProjects/UMS2/UniversalMediaServer/target/bin/osx/flac
      [get] Not modified - so not downloaded
      [get] Getting:
      [get] To: /Users/UMS/NetBeansProjects/UMS2/UniversalMediaServer/target/bin/libmediainfo.dylib
      [get] Not modified - so not downloaded
      [get] Getting:
      [get] To: /Users/UMS/NetBeansProjects/UMS2/UniversalMediaServer/target/bin/MediaInfo-License.html
      [get] Not modified - so not downloaded
      [get] Getting:
      [get] To: /Users/UMS/NetBeansProjects/UMS2/UniversalMediaServer/target/bin/osx/mencoder
      [get] Not modified - so not downloaded
      [get] Getting:
      [get] To: /Users/UMS/NetBeansProjects/UMS2/UniversalMediaServer/target/bin/osx/mplayer
      [get] Not modified - so not downloaded
      [get] Getting:
      [get] To: /Users/UMS/NetBeansProjects/UMS2/UniversalMediaServer/target/bin/osx/tsMuxeR
      [get] Not modified - so not downloaded
      [get] Getting:
      [get] To: /Users/UMS/NetBeansProjects/UMS2/UniversalMediaServer/target/bin/osx/tsMuxeR-new
      [get] Not modified - so not downloaded
Executed tasks

--- maven-antrun-plugin:1.7:run (prepare-package-osx-java-7-8) @ ums ---
Executing tasks

     [exec] dyld: DYLD_ environment variables being ignored because main executable (/usr/bin/osascript) is code signed with entitlements
     [exec] alias file Applications alias 2 of folder ums-5.1.2-distribution of folder target of folder UniversalMediaServer of folder UMS2 of folder NetBeansProjects of folder UMS of folder Users of startup disk
Executed tasks

--- maven-antrun-plugin:1.7:run (package app) @ ums ---
Executing tasks

Creating app bundle: Universal Media Server
Executed tasks

--- maven-jar-plugin:2.3.2:jar (default-jar) @ ums ---
Building jar: /Users/UMS/NetBeansProjects/UMS2/UniversalMediaServer/target/ums-5.1.2.jar

--- maven-assembly-plugin:2.4:single (make-jar-with-dependencies-osx-java-7-8) @ ums ---
Reading assembly descriptor: /Users/UMS/NetBeansProjects/UMS2/UniversalMediaServer/src/main/assembly/jar-with-dependencies.xml
artifact org.slf4j:slf4j-api: checking for updates from
artifact org.slf4j:slf4j-api: checking for updates from google-gson
artifact org.slf4j:slf4j-api: checking for updates from jboss.releases
artifact org.slf4j:slf4j-api: checking for updates from mygrid-repository
artifact org.slf4j:slf4j-api: checking for updates from 4thline-repo
artifact org.slf4j:slf4j-api: checking for updates from central
Adding org.apache.maven.scm.provider.ScmProvidersvn
Building jar: /Users/UMS/NetBeansProjects/UMS2/UniversalMediaServer/target/ums-5.1.2-jar-with-dependencies.jar
Component: org.apache.maven.scm.provider.ScmProvidersvn is already defined. Skipping.

--- maven-assembly-plugin:2.4:single (make-assembly-osx-java-7-8) @ ums ---
Reading assembly descriptor: /Users/UMS/NetBeansProjects/UMS2/UniversalMediaServer/src/main/assembly/assembly-osx_java7_8.xml
Copying files to /Users/UMS/NetBeansProjects/UMS2/UniversalMediaServer/target/ums-5.1.2-distribution
Assembly file: /Users/UMS/NetBeansProjects/UMS2/UniversalMediaServer/target/ums-5.1.2-distribution is not a regular file (it may be a directory). It cannot be attached to the project build for installation or deployment.

--- maven-install-plugin:2.3.1:install (default-install) @ ums ---
Installing /Users/UMS/NetBeansProjects/UMS2/UniversalMediaServer/target/ums-5.1.2.jar to /Users/UMS/.m2/repository/net/pms/ums/5.1.2/ums-5.1.2.jar
Installing /Users/UMS/NetBeansProjects/UMS2/UniversalMediaServer/pom.xml to /Users/UMS/.m2/repository/net/pms/ums/5.1.2/ums-5.1.2.pom
Installing /Users/UMS/NetBeansProjects/UMS2/UniversalMediaServer/target/ums-5.1.2-jar-with-dependencies.jar to /Users/UMS/.m2/repository/net/pms/ums/5.1.2/ums-5.1.2-jar-with-dependencies.jar
Total time: 2:16.348s
Finished at: Fri May 01 21:25:02 EDT 2015
Final Memory: 23M/146M
Now by the looks of it you have everything else right apart from a few minor issues that we can sort out now
You need to take the file attached to the post and place it in /src/main/assembly/
There should also be a file in there called "assembly_osx.xml" you will need both in there
I've also attached my pom.xml file so you can compare yours to mine
Hope this post helps get you to build OSX Java 7/8
(61.85 KiB) Downloaded 449 times
(3.02 KiB) Downloaded 430 times
How Ask For Support
Remember, Debug Log's Can/Will Help and Explain your issues, we're not mind reader's but here to help
OS's I Use And Can Assist With: Windows 7/8, Mac OS-X 10.8 & 10.9
Mac OS-X Java 7 Builds Mac OS-X Java 7 Forum
Posts: 155
Joined: Tue Feb 03, 2015 11:18 am
Location: lost in the depths of my mind

Re: Java 8 Prompts for Incoming Network Connections

Post by michaelt »

Excellent - this will move me forward.
I'll post any/all differences so they can be verified and get checked into the appropriate branch/master. Should make it easier for others.

Back in a few - thanx.
MacPro5,1 - 2.8 GHz, 32 GB, 20TB, OS X 10.11.6,
. . . . and a few others.
Samsung UN55C8000
Home Theater (WIP): OS X based now, dedicated Linux later.
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