How do subtitles get put into the stream?

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How do subtitles get put into the stream?

Post by wumpus »

Do subtitles get overlayed on the movie frames by UMS before sending to the client?
Is that why the client can't turn subtitles off/on on demand during playback?

Does the protocol support sending the subtitle data OOB from the audio & video streams?
It sure would be nice to be able to control subtitles on the client. 8-)

Sez the person who has not looked into the protocol or code. ;)

Did I mention how much I like UMS? :)

Windows 10 Pro 1703, 15063.413
Java 8 Update 131 (32 & 64)
UMS 6.7.1
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Re: How do subtitles get put into the stream?

Post by Nadahar »

There are many different scenarios for subtitles. If the subtitles are embedded in the video file and the renderer supports them, you can control them on the renderer/client. If the subtitles are in a separate file/external, UMS will send them in parallel with the video if the renderer supports this (and the renderer configuration is correcly made). If the renderer doesn't support subtitles, or doesn't support that subtitle format, UMS will "burn them in" the video stream. You can configure the choices UMS makes under the "Transcoding" tab, you can for example configure a prioritized list of languages to use also depending on the audio language. If you configure this correctly, there shouldn't be much need to control them from the renderer.
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Re: How do subtitles get put into the stream?

Post by wumpus »

In the past (many UMS versions ago) the only way I could figure out to get subtitles to display on my PS3 from UMS was to name the subtitle file the same as the movie file, with an .srt extension. Then the subs showed up in the stream but I had no control over them using the standard triangle menu on the PS3. In fact when I tried to control them via the PS3 menus, I got a PS3 message saying there were no subtitles (or somesuch).

Attached is the way UMS 6.7.1 is currently configured.

Assuming subtitles are always in a sub-directory, called "subs" or "Subs", of the movie folder; and the sub files follow the format:

Code: Select all

And assuming I'd want to use "English(SDH).srt" or "" (or is that chosen by the client/PS3?), what would I have to change in the config to enable client (PS3) controllable/on-demand subs?

From reading the tooltip I assume I'd have to remove the "eng,off;", but what else?
subtitles-config.jpg (192.81 KiB) Viewed 22670 times
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Re: How do subtitles get put into the stream?

Post by Nadahar »

The PS3 doesn't support external subtitles, so the only way is to "burn them in" as part of the video. When it comes to the configuration, there's an explanation here.

When it comes to the naming convention for the subtitles files, I'm not familiar with that code. When taking a quick look at the code, it isn't very obvious exactly what it does, but it seems to me that the general idea is that the subtitles files should be named the same as the video file except the extension + the language code + the subtitles extension. Example:

Code: Select all

From what I can see, this is the list of supported codes (both 2 and 3 letter codes are allowed):

Code: Select all

		putCode("Abkhazian", "ab", "abk", "abk");
		putCode("Achinese", null, "ace", "ace");
		putCode("Acoli", null, "ach", "ach");
		putCode("Adangme", null, "ada", "ada");
		putCode("Afar", "aa", "aar", "aar");
		putCode("Afrihili", null, "afh", "afh");
		putCode("Afrikaans", "af", "afr", "afr");
		putCode("Afro-Asiatic (Other)", null, "afa", "afa");
		putCode("Akan", null, "aka", "aka");
		putCode("Akkadian", null, "akk", "akk");
		putCode("Albanian", "sq", "sqi", "alb");
		putCode("Aleut", null, "ale", "ale");
		putCode("Algonquian languages", null, "alg", "alg");
		putCode("Altaic (Other)", null, "tut", "tut");
		putCode("Amharic", "am", "amh", "amh");
		putCode("Apache languages", null, "apa", "apa");
		putCode("Arabic", "ar", "ara", "ara");
		putCode("Aramaic", null, "arc", "arc");
		putCode("Arapaho", null, "arp", "arp");
		putCode("Araucanian", null, "arn", "arn");
		putCode("Arawak", null, "arw", "arw");
		putCode("Armenian", "hy", "hye", "arm");
		putCode("Artificial (Other)", null, "art", "art");
		putCode("Assamese", "as", "asm", "asm");
		putCode("Athapascan languages", null, "ath", "ath");
		putCode("Australian languages", null, "aus", "aus");
		putCode("Austronesian (Other)", null, "map", "map");
		putCode("Avaric", null, "ava", "ava");
		putCode("Avestan", "ae", "ave", "ave");
		putCode("Awadhi", null, "awa", "awa");
		putCode("Aymara", "ay", "aym", "aym");
		putCode("Azerbaijani", "az", "aze", "aze");
		putCode("Balinese", null, "ban", "ban");
		putCode("Baltic (Other)", null, "bat", "bat");
		putCode("Baluchi", null, "bal", "bal");
		putCode("Bambara", null, "bam", "bam");
		putCode("Bamileke languages", null, "bai", "bai");
		putCode("Banda", null, "bad", "bad");
		putCode("Bantu (Other)", null, "bnt", "bnt");
		putCode("Basa", null, "bas", "bas");
		putCode("Bashkir", "ba", "bak", "bak");
		putCode("Basque", "eu", "eus", "baq");
		putCode("Batak (Indonesia)", null, "btk", "btk");
		putCode("Beja", null, "bej", "bej");
		putCode("Belarusian", "be", "bel", "bel");
		putCode("Bemba", null, "bem", "bem");
		putCode("Bengali", "bn", "ben", "ben");
		putCode("Berber (Other)", null, "ber", "ber");
		putCode("Bhojpuri", null, "bho", "bho");
		putCode("Bihari", "bh", "bih", "bih");
		putCode("Bikol", null, "bik", "bik");
		putCode("Bini", null, "bin", "bin");
		putCode("Bislama", "bi", "bis", "bis");
		putCode("Bosnian", "bs", "bos", "bos");
		putCode("Brazilian Portuguse", null, "pob", "pob");
		putCode("Braj", null, "bra", "bra");
		putCode("Breton", "br", "bre", "bre");
		putCode("Buginese", null, "bug", "bug");
		putCode("Bulgarian", "bg", "bul", "bul");
		putCode("Buriat", null, "bua", "bua");
		putCode("Burmese", "my", "mya", "bur");
		putCode("Caddo", null, "cad", "cad");
		putCode("Carib", null, "car", "car");
		putCode("Catalan", "ca", "cat", "cat");
		putCode("Caucasian (Other)", null, "cau", "cau");
		putCode("Cebuano", null, "ceb", "ceb");
		putCode("Celtic (Other)", null, "cel", "cel");
		putCode("Central American Indian (Other)", null, "cai", "cai");
		putCode("Chagatai", null, "chg", "chg");
		putCode("Chamic languages", null, "cmc", "cmc");
		putCode("Chamorro", "ch", "cha", "cha");
		putCode("Chechen", "ce", "che", "che");
		putCode("Cherokee", null, "chr", "chr");
		putCode("Cheyenne", null, "chy", "chy");
		putCode("Chibcha", null, "chb", "chb");
		putCode("Chichewa; Nyanja", "ny", "nya", "nya");
		putCode("Chinese", "zh", "zho", "chi");
		putCode("Chinook jargon", null, "chn", "chn");
		putCode("Chipewyan", null, "chp", "chp");
		putCode("Choctaw", null, "cho", "cho");
		putCode("Church Slavic", "cu", "chu", "chu");
		putCode("Chuukese", null, "chk", "chk");
		putCode("Chuvash", "cv", "chv", "chv");
		putCode("Coptic", null, "cop", "cop");
		putCode("Cornish", "kw", "cor", "cor");
		putCode("Corsican", "co", "cos", "cos");
		putCode("Cree", null, "cre", "cre");
		putCode("Creek", null, "mus", "mus");
		putCode("Creoles and pidgins (Other)", null, "crp", "crp");
		putCode("Creoles and pidgins, English-based (Other)", null, "cpe", "cpe");
		putCode("Creoles and pidgins, French-based (Other)", null, "cpf", "cpf");
		putCode("Creoles and pidgins, Portuguese-based (Other)", null, "cpp", "cpp");
		putCode("Croatian", "hr", "hrv", "scr");
		putCode("Cushitic (Other)", null, "cus", "cus");
		putCode("Czech", "cs", "ces", "cze");
		putCode("Dakota", null, "dak", "dak");
		putCode("Danish", "da", "dan", "dan");
		putCode("Dayak", null, "day", "day");
		putCode("Delaware", null, "del", "del");
		putCode("Dinka", null, "din", "din");
		putCode("Divehi", null, "div", "div");
		putCode("Dogri", null, "doi", "doi");
		putCode("Dogrib", null, "dgr", "dgr");
		putCode("Dravidian (Other)", null, "dra", "dra");
		putCode("Duala", null, "dua", "dua");
		putCode("Dutch", "nl", "nld", "dut");
		putCode("Dutch, Middle (ca. 1050-1350)", null, "dum", "dum");
		putCode("Dyula", null, "dyu", "dyu");
		putCode("Dzongkha", "dz", "dzo", "dzo");
		putCode("Efik", null, "efi", "efi");
		putCode("Egyptian (Ancient)", null, "egy", "egy");
		putCode("Ekajuk", null, "eka", "eka");
		putCode("Elamite", null, "elx", "elx");
		putCode("English", "en", "eng", "eng");
		putCode("English, Middle (1100-1500)", null, "enm", "enm");
		putCode("English, Old (ca.450-1100)", null, "ang", "ang");
		putCode("Esperanto", "eo", "epo", "epo");
		putCode("Estonian", "et", "est", "est");
		putCode("Ewe", null, "ewe", "ewe");
		putCode("Ewondo", null, "ewo", "ewo");
		putCode("Fang", null, "fan", "fan");
		putCode("Fanti", null, "fat", "fat");
		putCode("Faroese", "fo", "fao", "fao");
		putCode("Fijian", "fj", "fij", "fij");
		putCode("Finnish", "fi", "fin", "fin");
		putCode("Finno-Ugrian (Other)", null, "fiu", "fiu");
		putCode("Fon", null, "fon", "fon");
		putCode("French", "fr", "fra", "fre");
		putCode("French, Middle (ca.1400-1600)", null, "frm", "frm");
		putCode("French, Old (842-ca.1400)", null, "fro", "fro");
		putCode("Frisian", "fy", "fry", "fry");
		putCode("Friulian", null, "fur", "fur");
		putCode("Fulah", null, "ful", "ful");
		putCode("Ga", null, "gaa", "gaa");
		putCode("Gaelic (Scots)", "gd", "gla", "gla");
		putCode("Gallegan", "gl", "glg", "glg");
		putCode("Ganda", null, "lug", "lug");
		putCode("Gayo", null, "gay", "gay");
		putCode("Gbaya", null, "gba", "gba");
		putCode("Geez", null, "gez", "gez");
		putCode("Georgian", "ka", "kat", "geo");
		putCode("German", "de", "deu", "ger");
		putCode("German, Low; Saxon, Low; Low German; Low Saxon", null, "nds", "nds");
		putCode("German, Middle High (ca.1050-1500)", null, "gmh", "gmh");
		putCode("German, Old High (ca.750-1050)", null, "goh", "goh");
		putCode("Germanic (Other)", null, "gem", "gem");
		putCode("Gilbertese", null, "gil", "gil");
		putCode("Gondi", null, "gon", "gon");
		putCode("Gorontalo", null, "gor", "gor");
		putCode("Gothic", null, "got", "got");
		putCode("Grebo", null, "grb", "grb");
		putCode("Greek, Ancient (to 1453)", null, "grc", "grc");
		putCode("Greek, Modern (1453-)", "el", "ell", "gre");
		putCode("Guarani", "gn", "grn", "grn");
		putCode("Gujarati", "gu", "guj", "guj");
		putCode("Gwich-in", null, "gwi", "gwi");
		putCode("Haida", null, "hai", "hai");
		putCode("Hausa", "ha", "hau", "hau");
		putCode("Hawaiian", null, "haw", "haw");
		putCode("Hebrew", "he", "heb", "heb");
		putCode("Herero", "hz", "her", "her");
		putCode("Hiligaynon", null, "hil", "hil");
		putCode("Himachali", null, "him", "him");
		putCode("Hindi", "hi", "hin", "hin");
		putCode("Hiri Motu", "ho", "hmo", "hmo");
		putCode("Hittite", null, "hit", "hit");
		putCode("Hmong", null, "hmn", "hmn");
		putCode("Hungarian", "hu", "hun", "hun");
		putCode("Hupa", null, "hup", "hup");
		putCode("Iban", null, "iba", "iba");
		putCode("Icelandic", "is", "isl", "ice");
		putCode("Igbo", null, "ibo", "ibo");
		putCode("Ijo", null, "ijo", "ijo");
		putCode("Iloko", null, "ilo", "ilo");
		putCode("Indic (Other)", null, "inc", "inc");
		putCode("Indo-European (Other)", null, "ine", "ine");
		putCode("Indonesian", "id", "ind", "ind");
		putCode("Interlingua (International Auxiliary Language Association)", "ia", "ina", "ina");
		putCode("Interlingue", "ie", "ile", "ile");
		putCode("Inuktitut", "iu", "iku", "iku");
		putCode("Inupiaq", "ik", "ipk", "ipk");
		putCode("Iranian (Other)", null, "ira", "ira");
		putCode("Irish", "ga", "gle", "gle");
		putCode("Irish, Middle (900-1200)", null, "mga", "mga");
		putCode("Irish, Old (to 900)", null, "sga", "sga");
		putCode("Iroquoian languages", null, "iro", "iro");
		putCode("Italian", "it", "ita", "ita");
		putCode("Japanese", "ja", "jpn", "jpn");
		putCode("Javanese", "jw", "jaw", "jav");
		putCode("Judeo-Arabic", null, "jrb", "jrb");
		putCode("Judeo-Persian", null, "jpr", "jpr");
		putCode("Kabyle", null, "kab", "kab");
		putCode("Kachin", null, "kac", "kac");
		putCode("Kalaallisut", "kl", "kal", "kal");
		putCode("Kamba", null, "kam", "kam");
		putCode("Kannada", "kn", "kan", "kan");
		putCode("Kanuri", null, "kau", "kau");
		putCode("Kara-Kalpak", null, "kaa", "kaa");
		putCode("Karen", null, "kar", "kar");
		putCode("Kashmiri", "ks", "kas", "kas");
		putCode("Kawi", null, "kaw", "kaw");
		putCode("Kazakh", "kk", "kaz", "kaz");
		putCode("Khasi", null, "kha", "kha");
		putCode("Khmer", "km", "khm", "khm");
		putCode("Khoisan (Other)", null, "khi", "khi");
		putCode("Khotanese", null, "kho", "kho");
		putCode("Kikuyu", "ki", "kik", "kik");
		putCode("Kimbundu", null, "kmb", "kmb");
		putCode("Kinyarwanda", "rw", "kin", "kin");
		putCode("Kirghiz", "ky", "kir", "kir");
		putCode("Komi", "kv", "kom", "kom");
		putCode("Kongo", null, "kon", "kon");
		putCode("Konkani", null, "kok", "kok");
		putCode("Korean", "ko", "kor", "kor");
		putCode("Kosraean", null, "kos", "kos");
		putCode("Kpelle", null, "kpe", "kpe");
		putCode("Kru", null, "kro", "kro");
		putCode("Kuanyama", "kj", "kua", "kua");
		putCode("Kumyk", null, "kum", "kum");
		putCode("Kurdish", "ku", "kur", "kur");
		putCode("Kurukh", null, "kru", "kru");
		putCode("Kutenai", null, "kut", "kut");
		putCode("Ladino", null, "lad", "lad");
		putCode("Lahnda", null, "lah", "lah");
		putCode("Lamba", null, "lam", "lam");
		putCode("Lao", "lo", "lao", "lao");
		putCode("Latin", "la", "lat", "lat");
		putCode("Latvian", "lv", "lav", "lav");
		putCode("Letzeburgesch", "lb", "ltz", "ltz");
		putCode("Lezghian", null, "lez", "lez");
		putCode("Lingala", "ln", "lin", "lin");
		putCode("Lithuanian", "lt", "lit", "lit");
		putCode("Low German; Low Saxon; German, Low; Saxon, Low", null, "nds", "nds");
		putCode("Low Saxon; Low German; Saxon, Low; German, Low", null, "nds", "nds");
		putCode("Lozi", null, "loz", "loz");
		putCode("Luba-Katanga", null, "lub", "lub");
		putCode("Luba-Lulua", null, "lua", "lua");
		putCode("Luiseno", null, "lui", "lui");
		putCode("Lunda", null, "lun", "lun");
		putCode("Luo (Kenya and Tanzania)", null, "luo", "luo");
		putCode("Lushai", null, "lus", "lus");
		putCode("Macedonian", "mk", "mkd", "mac");
		putCode("Madurese", null, "mad", "mad");
		putCode("Magahi", null, "mag", "mag");
		putCode("Maithili", null, "mai", "mai");
		putCode("Makasar", null, "mak", "mak");
		putCode("Malagasy", "mg", "mlg", "mlg");
		putCode("Malay", "ms", "msa", "may");
		putCode("Malayalam", "ml", "mal", "mal");
		putCode("Maltese", "mt", "mlt", "mlt");
		putCode("Manchu", null, "mnc", "mnc");
		putCode("Mandar", null, "mdr", "mdr");
		putCode("Mandingo", null, "man", "man");
		putCode("Manipuri", null, "mni", "mni");
		putCode("Manobo languages", null, "mno", "mno");
		putCode("Manx", "gv", "glv", "glv");
		putCode("Maori", "mi", "mri", "mao");
		putCode("Marathi", "mr", "mar", "mar");
		putCode("Mari", null, "chm", "chm");
		putCode("Marshall", "mh", "mah", "mah");
		putCode("Marwari", null, "mwr", "mwr");
		putCode("Masai", null, "mas", "mas");
		putCode("Mayan languages", null, "myn", "myn");
		putCode("Mende", null, "men", "men");
		putCode("Micmac", null, "mic", "mic");
		putCode("Minangkabau", null, "min", "min");
		putCode("Miscellaneous languages", null, "mis", "mis");
		putCode("Mohawk", null, "moh", "moh");
		putCode("Moldavian", "mo", "mol", "mol");
		putCode("Mon-Khmer (Other)", null, "mkh", "mkh");
		putCode("Mongo", null, "lol", "lol");
		putCode("Mongolian", "mn", "mon", "mon");
		putCode("Mossi", null, "mos", "mos");
		putCode("Munda languages", null, "mun", "mun");
		putCode("Nahuatl", null, "nah", "nah");
		putCode("Nauru", "na", "nau", "nau");
		putCode("Navajo", "nv", "nav", "nav");
		putCode("Ndebele, North", "nd", "nde", "nde");
		putCode("Ndebele, South", "nr", "nbl", "nbl");
		putCode("Ndonga", "ng", "ndo", "ndo");
		putCode("Nepali", "ne", "nep", "nep");
		putCode("Newari", null, "new", "new");
		putCode("Nias", null, "nia", "nia");
		putCode("Niger-Kordofanian (Other)", null, "nic", "nic");
		putCode("Nilo-Saharan (Other)", null, "ssa", "ssa");
		putCode("Niuean", null, "niu", "niu");
		putCode("Norse, Old", null, "non", "non");
		putCode("North American Indian(Other)", null, "nai", "nai");
		putCode("Northern Sami", "se", "sme", "sme");
		putCode("Norwegian", "no", "nor", "nor");
		putCode("Norwegian Bokmal", "nb", "nob", "nob");
		putCode("Norwegian Nynorsk", "nn", "nno", "nno");
		putCode("Nubian languages", null, "nub", "nub");
		putCode("Nyamwezi", null, "nym", "nym");
		putCode("Nyanja; Chichewa", "ny", "nya", "nya");
		putCode("Nyankole", null, "nyn", "nyn");
		putCode("Nyoro", null, "nyo", "nyo");
		putCode("Nzima", null, "nzi", "nzi");
		putCode("Occitan (post 1500); Provencal", "oc", "oci", "oci");
		putCode("Ojibwa", null, "oji", "oji");
		putCode("Oriya", "or", "ori", "ori");
		putCode("Oromo", "om", "orm", "orm");
		putCode("Osage", null, "osa", "osa");
		putCode("Ossetian; Ossetic", "os", "oss", "oss");
		putCode("Otomian languages", null, "oto", "oto");
		putCode("Pahlavi", null, "pal", "pal");
		putCode("Palauan", null, "pau", "pau");
		putCode("Pali", "pi", "pli", "pli");
		putCode("Pampanga", null, "pam", "pam");
		putCode("Pangasinan", null, "pag", "pag");
		putCode("Panjabi", "pa", "pan", "pan");
		putCode("Papiamento", null, "pap", "pap");
		putCode("Papuan (Other)", null, "paa", "paa");
		putCode("Persian", "fa", "fas", "per");
		putCode("Persian, Old (ca.600-400 B.C.)", null, "peo", "peo");
		putCode("Philippine (Other)", null, "phi", "phi");
		putCode("Phoenician", null, "phn", "phn");
		putCode("Pohnpeian", null, "pon", "pon");
		putCode("Polish", "pl", "pol", "pol");
		putCode("Portuguese", "pt", "por", "por");
		putCode("Prakrit languages", null, "pra", "pra");
		putCode("Provencal; Occitan (post 1500)", "oc", "oci", "oci");
		putCode("Provencal, Old (to 1500)", null, "pro", "pro");
		putCode("Pushto", "ps", "pus", "pus");
		putCode("Quechua", "qu", "que", "que");
		putCode("Raeto-Romance", "rm", "roh", "roh");
		putCode("Rajasthani", null, "raj", "raj");
		putCode("Rapanui", null, "rap", "rap");
		putCode("Rarotongan", null, "rar", "rar");
		putCode("Romance (Other)", null, "roa", "roa");
		putCode("Romanian", "ro", "ron", "rum");
		putCode("Romany", null, "rom", "rom");
		putCode("Rundi", "rn", "run", "run");
		putCode("Russian", "ru", "rus", "rus");
		putCode("Salishan languages", null, "sal", "sal");
		putCode("Samaritan Aramaic", null, "sam", "sam");
		putCode("Sami languages (Other)", null, "smi", "smi");
		putCode("Samoan", "sm", "smo", "smo");
		putCode("Sandawe", null, "sad", "sad");
		putCode("Sango", "sg", "sag", "sag");
		putCode("Sanskrit", "sa", "san", "san");
		putCode("Santali", null, "sat", "sat");
		putCode("Sardinian", "sc", "srd", "srd");
		putCode("Sasak", null, "sas", "sas");
		putCode("Saxon, Low; German, Low; Low Saxon; Low German", null, "nds", "nds");
		putCode("Scots", null, "sco", "sco");
		putCode("Selkup", null, "sel", "sel");
		putCode("Semitic (Other)", null, "sem", "sem");
		putCode("Serbian", "sr", "srp", "scc");
		putCode("Serer", null, "srr", "srr");
		putCode("Shan", null, "shn", "shn");
		putCode("Shona", "sn", "sna", "sna");
		putCode("Sidamo", null, "sid", "sid");
		putCode("Sign languages", null, "sgn", "sgn");
		putCode("Siksika", null, "bla", "bla");
		putCode("Sindhi", "sd", "snd", "snd");
		putCode("Sinhalese", "si", "sin", "sin");
		putCode("Sino-Tibetan (Other)", null, "sit", "sit");
		putCode("Siouan languages", null, "sio", "sio");
		putCode("Slave (Athapascan)", null, "den", "den");
		putCode("Slavic (Other)", null, "sla", "sla");
		putCode("Slovak", "sk", "slk", "slo");
		putCode("Slovenian", "sl", "slv", "slv");
		putCode("Sogdian", null, "sog", "sog");
		putCode("Somali", "so", "som", "som");
		putCode("Songhai", null, "son", "son");
		putCode("Soninke", null, "snk", "snk");
		putCode("Sorbian languages", null, "wen", "wen");
		putCode("Sotho, Northern", null, "nso", "nso");
		putCode("Sotho, Southern", "st", "sot", "sot");
		putCode("South American Indian (Other)", null, "sai", "sai");
		putCode("Spanish", "es", "spa", "spa");
		putCode("Sukuma", null, "suk", "suk");
		putCode("Sumerian", null, "sux", "sux");
		putCode("Sundanese", "su", "sun", "sun");
		putCode("Susu", null, "sus", "sus");
		putCode("Swahili", "sw", "swa", "swa");
		putCode("Swati", "ss", "ssw", "ssw");
		putCode("Swedish", "sv", "swe", "swe");
		putCode("Syriac", null, "syr", "syr");
		putCode("Tagalog", "tl", "tgl", "tgl");
		putCode("Tahitian", "ty", "tah", "tah");
		putCode("Tai (Other)", null, "tai", "tai");
		putCode("Tajik", "tg", "tgk", "tgk");
		putCode("Tamashek", null, "tmh", "tmh");
		putCode("Tamil", "ta", "tam", "tam");
		putCode("Tatar", "tt", "tat", "tat");
		putCode("Telugu", "te", "tel", "tel");
		putCode("Tereno", null, "ter", "ter");
		putCode("Tetum", null, "tet", "tet");
		putCode("Thai", "th", "tha", "tha");
		putCode("Tibetan", "bo", "bod", "tib");
		putCode("Tigre", null, "tig", "tig");
		putCode("Tigrinya", "ti", "tir", "tir");
		putCode("Timne", null, "tem", "tem");
		putCode("Tiv", null, "tiv", "tiv");
		putCode("Tlingit", null, "tli", "tli");
		putCode("Tok Pisin", null, "tpi", "tpi");
		putCode("Tokelau", null, "tkl", "tkl");
		putCode("Tonga (Nyasa)", null, "tog", "tog");
		putCode("Tonga (Tonga Islands)", "to", "ton", "ton");
		putCode("Tsimshian", null, "tsi", "tsi");
		putCode("Tsonga", "ts", "tso", "tso");
		putCode("Tswana", "tn", "tsn", "tsn");
		putCode("Tumbuka", null, "tum", "tum");
		putCode("Turkish", "tr", "tur", "tur");
		putCode("Turkish, Ottoman (1500-1928)", null, "ota", "ota");
		putCode("Turkmen", "tk", "tuk", "tuk");
		putCode("Tuvalu", null, "tvl", "tvl");
		putCode("Tuvinian", null, "tyv", "tyv");
		putCode("Twi", "tw", "twi", "twi");
		putCode("Ugaritic", null, "uga", "uga");
		putCode("Uighur", "ug", "uig", "uig");
		putCode("Ukrainian", "uk", "ukr", "ukr");
		putCode("Umbundu", null, "umb", "umb");
		putCode("Undetermined", null, DLNAMediaLang.UND, DLNAMediaLang.UND);
		putCode("Urdu", "ur", "urd", "urd");
		putCode("Uzbek", "uz", "uzb", "uzb");
		putCode("Vai", null, "vai", "vai");
		putCode("Venda", null, "ven", "ven");
		putCode("Vietnamese", "vi", "vie", "vie");
		putCode("Volapuk", "vo", "vol", "vol");
		putCode("Votic", null, "vot", "vot");
		putCode("Wakashan languages", null, "wak", "wak");
		putCode("Walamo", null, "wal", "wal");
		putCode("Waray", null, "war", "war");
		putCode("Washo", null, "was", "was");
		putCode("Welsh", "cy", "cym", "wel");
		putCode("Wolof", "wo", "wol", "wol");
		putCode("Xhosa", "xh", "xho", "xho");
		putCode("Yakut", null, "sah", "sah");
		putCode("Yao", null, "yao", "yao");
		putCode("Yapese", null, "yap", "yap");
		putCode("Yiddish", "yi", "yid", "yid");
		putCode("Yoruba", "yo", "yor", "yor");
		putCode("Yupik languages", null, "ypk", "ypk");
		putCode("Zande", null, "znd", "znd");
		putCode("Zapotec", null, "zap", "zap");
		putCode("Zenaga", null, "zen", "zen");
		putCode("Zhuang", "za", "zha", "zha");
		putCode("Zulu", "zu", "zul", "zul");
		putCode("Zuni", null, "zun", "zun");
Posts: 21
Joined: Sat Oct 18, 2014 11:41 am

Re: How do subtitles get put into the stream?

Post by wumpus »

So a PS3 limitation. How incredibly sub-optimal. Oh well.

Posts: 1990
Joined: Tue Jun 09, 2015 5:57 pm

Re: How do subtitles get put into the stream?

Post by Nadahar »

Actually DLNA doesn't support external subtitles, but there are a couple of "hacks" inventend by Samsung and Panasonic AFAICR, which we use for supported devices. The DLNA standard was initiated by Sony, and had the following "main" members in 2015: Arris, AwoX, Broadcom, CableLabs, Comcast, Dolby Laboratories, Intel, LG Electronics, Panasonic, Samsung Electronics, Sony Electronics, Time Warner Cable, and Verizon.

There are powerful members there which has no interest in people being able to play commercial content with external (separate file) subtitles, so it doesn't really surprise me that it's not a part of the standard. The later years, most of the extensions to the standard has been all about DRM and "security" in the form of requireing DLNA "approved" certificates to stream content to DLNA devices from the internet. It is as is always is when commercial companies make standards.
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