Some folders randomly give "access error" on my Yamaha RX-A730

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Some folders randomly give "access error" on my Yamaha RX-A730

Post by 8bit_coder »

I've been using UMS for a few months now and it has this issue that is driving me crazy: some folders randomly give an "access error" on my Yamaha RX-A730 and I can't seem to figure out why. Nothing seems to be an indication of the issue in the logs either(the trace level logs are still attached just in case they're needed).

The only workaround I have found so far is copying all the songs from one folder to another and changing it's name, IE: If the folder "Rap" doesn't work, I copy its files to a new folder called "Some Music" and then most of the files work. It seems to be oddly correlated to folder names, and the "workaround" that I mentioned only seems to work half the time. It's really strange because almost half of my music library is inaccessible, due to this bug.

Weirdly enough, the web ui works perfectly fine, it's just the Yamaha receiver that has trouble with some folders. I've verified the folders aren't the issue themselves because I've unplugged the drive from my computer and plugged it into the USB port of the receiver and it can read the files just fine, so it seems to be a UMS issue.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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Re: Some folders randomly give "access error" on my Yamaha RX-A730

Post by mik_s »

I'm not sure what the cause may be, maybe the Yamaha RX-A730 is seeing the directory name as a genre and getting mixed up.
I'm unsure whether this is happening with the renderer, metadata in the database or something wrong with what UMS is sending to it.

As a test you could rename your "Rap" folder to something else like without copying the files and see if that changes anything.

I could see several file being ignored, but as they are videos and the conf says the Yamaha RX-A730 does not play videos then that makes sense.
There was an exception error after one of those that may be related but I don't know.

Code: Select all

TRACE 2022-07-26 14:11:54.292 [jupnp-netty-worker-4] Matched format OGG to "D:\Rap\You reposted in the wrong neighborhood (Full version).ogg"
TRACE 2022-07-26 14:11:54.292 [jupnp-netty-worker-4] Ignoring file "You reposted in the wrong neighborhood (Full version).ogg" because it is not supported by renderer "Yamaha RX-A730"
TRACE 2022-07-26 14:11:54.293 [jupnp-netty-worker-4] Could not match any format to "D:\Rap\You reposted in the wrong neighborhood (Full version).ogg.sfk"
TRACE 2022-07-26 14:11:54.293 [jupnp-netty-worker-4] Could not match any format to "D:\Rap\You reposted in the wrong neighborhood (Full version).ogg.sfk"
DEBUG 2022-07-26 14:11:54.294 [jupnp-netty-worker-4] Caught exception: Cannot invoke "net.pms.dlna.DLNAMediaInfo.getFirstAudioTrack()" because the return value of "net.pms.dlna.DLNAResource.getMedia()" is null
TRACE 2022-07-26 14:11:54.296 [jupnp-netty-worker-4] 
java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "net.pms.dlna.DLNAMediaInfo.getFirstAudioTrack()" because the return value of "net.pms.dlna.DLNAResource.getMedia()" is null
	at net.pms.dlna.DLNAResource.shouldDoAudioTrackSorting(
	at net.pms.dlna.DLNAResource.getDLNAResources(
	at org.jboss.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpChunkAggregator.messageReceived(
	at org.jboss.netty.handler.codec.frame.FrameDecoder.unfoldAndFireMessageReceived(
	at org.jboss.netty.handler.codec.replay.ReplayingDecoder.callDecode(
	at org.jboss.netty.handler.codec.replay.ReplayingDecoder.messageReceived(
	at org.jboss.netty.util.internal.DeadLockProofWorker$
	at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source)
	at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ Source)
	at java.base/ Source)
I had not seen the extension .ogg.sfk before but looking it up seems to be a visual representation of the audio created by Sony Vegas, I wonder if those are what is causing it and UMS does not know how to handle them. As far as I can tell these are not important and can be deleted. Try moving them to a different directory first and see if that changes anything.
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Re: Some folders randomly give "access error" on my Yamaha RX-A730

Post by 8bit_coder »

Well, I just tried renaming the folder itself to something random and it still refused to work. Same error message as before.

Also, the reason that the .sfk files are mixed in is because sometimes I edit video and Vegas automatically creates those files. As far as I know though, none of those files impact any playback functionality. Is there a way to make UMS ignore certain files, kind of like a .gitignore? That would at least prevent the .sfk files from filling up the logs, since the songs they're associated with play back fine. I also checked and there are .sfk files in other folders outside of the Rap folder and those folders all work fine.

I'm still perplexed as to what is going on as the folder works fine both accessing it locally AND via plugging the music drive into the RX-A730 directly via it's front USB port. I've also done a test and confirmed that using the Windows Media Player "cast to device" feature allows the folders and their files that don't work via UMS to be played perfectly fine on the receiver. As a final test, I also tried going to the problematic folders on my Yamaha RX-V673 receiver, and that one too gives the same error as the RX-A730, proving that it isn't the files or the receiver getting confused.
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Re: Some folders randomly give "access error" on my Yamaha RX-A730

Post by 8bit_coder »

Okay, I have an update:

I tried changing the MediaInfo variable in my RX-A730's config file to "True" instead of "False" and now it can see every folder and it doesn't give an access error on any of them. However, the reason I had MediaInfo set to "False" before was because of the fact that some FLAC files would refuse to play with MediaInfo set to "True" and I discovered that many months ago, so I set it to "False" and didn't think much of it. Now I'm stuck at an impasse: I could either turn MediaInfo on and see every folder but lose playback of 90% of my FLAC files, or I turn MediaInfo off and I lose the ability to see about 40% of my music library. This is getting incredibly confusing.
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Re: Some folders randomly give "access error" on my Yamaha RX-A730

Post by mik_s »

I think that explains the access error. If UMS could not determine what the format of some of the files were then it did not know what to do with them properly, It probably thinks those .sfk files is media. I think this may also be a bug as I don't think this should have caused an error and prevent access to the folder.

MediaInfo should not stop playback of certain FLAC files, maybe there is a setting in your conf for that device that says that some are not supported when they are so it trying and failing to transcode them to a format that it thinks is supported.

Could you do some more logs with Mediainfo enabled and try to play one of those that refuse to play with it on?
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Re: Some folders randomly give "access error" on my Yamaha RX-A730

Post by 8bit_coder »

I think you were right on the money with something being related to the transcode settings. I have attached two debug log files, one has the config file with "TranscodeAudio=WAV" and the other has "TranscodeAudio=FLAC" and for some reason, the WAV one is the one causing problems.

I took a look at some of the files myself and there's a lot of weird stuff going on.

First off, even though I had explicitly defined which file types are supported by the receiver in it's config file, in the TranscodeAudio=WAV log, it appears that it just ignores the config file and instead checks the files against another config file(seemingly for the RX-A2050 default Yamaha renderer). I noticed it due to my config file not having "a:atmos|dts|dtshd|lpcm" for the WAV part, yet in the logs it clearly shows UMS checking files against that line. First sign that something was off.

Second sign that something was off was when I looked at the TranscodeAudio=FLAC logs, where it still would believe that the file was incompatible. But this time, it would transcribe it as a FLAC(more specifically x-flac) through FFMPEG and then send it to the receiver. Very strange behavior, even though the config file explicitly defined what should be allowed and what shouldn't. It kept thinking that the files were still not able to be directly sent to the receiver.

I'm very confused at this point, since leaving TranscodeAudio=FLAC lets all the files work(as far as I can tell) but now there's a delay when playing a file because UMS has to spin up FFMPEG for every single one and convert the FLAC or WAV file to FLAC again and then send it to the receiver, causing an annoying delay. As far as I can tell, L16 is what the receiver isn't happy with. I'm unsure what it is, but something seems to be going very wrong inside UMS.
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Re: Some folders randomly give "access error" on my Yamaha RX-A730

Post by 8bit_coder »

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Re: Some folders randomly give "access error" on my Yamaha RX-A730

Post by mik_s »

I can see that most of your files are being transcoded when I think they should just be streamed. I saw mention of 2 types of Yamaha receiver so maybe UMS is getting confused somewhere and matching to the wrong conf.

I made a new conf for you to try that should just stream all those file types to your receiver untouched. I could not find specs on what it can play so some things might not work but I think 99% will.

Just copy to the renderers directory of your UMS installation (should be "C:\Program Files (x86)\Universal Media Server\renderers") and delete (or move) your custom conf from C:\ProgramData\UMS otherwise that will override it.
Yamaha RX-A730.conf
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Re: Some folders randomly give "access error" on my Yamaha RX-A730

Post by 8bit_coder »

Interesting, this seems to have mostly fixed the issue. I still have one file that weirdly refuses to play, but now all folders seem to work and all the other files that didn't work before now work. I'm going to try and figure out why one specific file isn't playing, but right now I think the issue is mostly fixed.
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Re: Some folders randomly give "access error" on my Yamaha RX-A730

Post by 8bit_coder »

Actually, correction. Now, WAV files appear to not work properly. This is really strange.
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